Embrace Self-Trust: Beyond Proof and Validation
Ever wonder why success doesn't always equal fulfillment? I'm Tim Salmons, and with 30 years experience as an actor and a career spanning work in the blue collar corporate medical field, as well as public service industries. I've seen and experienced the human condition at its best and worst. Here on powerful and unpolished, we will explore the everyday traps, draining our energy and hindering fulfillment. This isn't just another success podcast.
Tim:It's about breaking free from patterns that hold you back and limit your potential. Join me on this transformative journey as we explore and identify limiting traps, detach from draining patterns, and rediscover the power within, creating a life that is truly powerful and unpolished.
Tim:Good day, everybody. Welcome to powerful and unpolished. I'm Tim Salmons. I'm your host. We are doing yet another solo.
Tim:For some reason, I'm just enjoying these solos lately. I hope you are, but maybe maybe not. But if you're listening, you probably are. Right? At least getting something out of it.
Tim:Today's gonna be short and sweet and to the point. Little thoughts to ponder. So, today's subject matter is going to be, how do you practice faith? Now, a lot of times when I talk about this subject matter, people go into their religious or spiritual practices or things like this and that might be very well a part of what I'm talking about but it's really not the main focus. It's not the issue, that I'm addressing.
Tim:What I'm looking at is a sense of faith of faith in self, faith in something greater than self, faith in self trust. Self trust is an example of faith. So this is gonna be a a quick session to really kinda just stoke the coals of exploring and considering how we have a relationship or a limited relationship with how we practice our faith. So, I would ask you as you're listening to this, how is your faith for yourself, for your daily expression, for your daily practice? How is your self trust?
Tim:What brought me to this thought I mean, I've been working in this realm for a while now, but what really brought me to this subject today is the awareness that how often are we looking for facts? Are we looking for evidence? Are we looking for proof to justify our belief system? To justify our belief in our experience? This is a big question, folks.
Tim:A lot of people are looking for statistics, facts, evidence to justify something that they're not willing to trust in themselves or the experience that they're having or the intuition that they're picking up but not giving space for or validating. So here here's here's an example of things occurring outside of proof and evidence. So I are you I don't know. Maybe I'm talking funny today. Actually, I had to go in and have a filling replaced because it was just getting old.
Tim:And, like me, I'm getting I'm getting I'm not getting old. I'm getting mature. So anyway but, so I went in and I had this process done, and I was like, oh, wow. If you really think about it, can you have a cavity with no pain? Sure.
Tim:I've had them before. The whole idea of going in and getting a checkup and and having them examine your teeth is, you know, is one in the process that it actually hasn't reached the nerve, hasn't so you do have a cavity. It just hasn't gotten to the point of, the experience of pain. So, yes, you know, maybe maybe you have this this experience, without the proof. Maybe, another example would be people who didn't really believe in and this is probably going back eons, but who didn't believe in electricity as far as a useful tool, something that can power our lives and power our our equipment, our world, you know, everything we we touch.
Tim:But electricity has been available to virtually every human being that's walked this planet. Maybe the fact or the evidence that people were seeking was, yeah, we have fire. Yeah. We have, this element, the the discharge of eons in the atmosphere where we're experiencing the noise, the thunder, and witnessing the lightning. So, that's where we have evidence of that.
Tim:But, could someone be experiencing or having something some intelligence without proof? With it without, you know, going and gathering proof. That's probably the best way to say it. I I almost have have altered my view on science to some degree, which is they will create a hypothesis. They will create a hypothesis.
Tim:Let me see if I can say that today. Hypothesis. They will create this and then they will go out to prove or disprove in general. And in that process, what was the initial instigation or inspiration that evoked the study in the first place. Somebody somewhere probably had an instinct or a thought or something pulling them in a direction that, well, there's there's something here to go discover to to put more awareness around and more form.
Tim:So that's the aspect that I'm sort of talking about in that respect, but the reason why I bring it back to us, that's why I bring this question to you today in this conversation. And it's just to pull it apart and think about it. How often in your life have you or someone that you've known had skills, had abilities, had instinct, had intuition, had empathic hits, and denied them because they weren't up for going out and seeking proof, or they weren't even willing to consider that you could still experience and have something without having to justify it to the world around you. I'm gonna say that again. You can have these experiences.
Tim:You can have this this intelligence that's beyond just your learning and information. You can have valuable insights even if you don't have factual proof or evidence at that given moment. Are you willing to trust in that? Can you articulate in that? Can you express that from your own gifts, your own ability, your own process?
Tim:That's the gift that's available to you, to me, to virtually anybody is we have these experiences. We have these intuitions. We have this possibility. And how often do we not trust? How often do we not practice the faith in something that we instinctually have a gut hit or belief on?
Tim:How many people in the world are walking around with some sort of title or label of inferiority or something like this because they just haven't learned how to trust themselves yet or trust themselves further on the path of their own personal growth.
Tim:This is just touching the tip of
Tim:the iceberg, my friends. This is just getting in and realizing, wait a minute. There are so many talented people who can't or won't or haven't accessed their gifts because they haven't tripped over the evidence yet. They haven't found the facts to validate and just justify their efforts, and it makes sense. I understand.
Tim:It's scary as hell to believe in something that doesn't have physical form and proof. That's why it's so easy for the realists out there in the world to let that mindset continue to suck the life, not only out of them, but the world around them. Be a realist. Okay. Great.
Tim:What does that mean? I'm all for being a realist. Well, if we're gonna be a realist, are you real in the invisible? Do you understand that there's energies and and exercises and possibility that's occurring around us all the time that it actually isn't in physical form at that moment, that we may not have physical evidence. I may not have statistics to validate my my existence, but my existence is here.
Tim:So this is just something I I wanted to introduce this week in this podcast in this podcast, if I can speak today. Sorry. My tooth my tooth thing that's my excuse. My tooth thing, it makes me forget to think straight. But, anyway, but that's that's something to pull apart.
Tim:That's something to think about. Listen to the world around you. Last week was on listening. Listen to the world around you. Look at how many people won't take action, won't give you the benefit of the doubt because they want you to prove to them from their limited perspective so that maybe they'll grant you their validation.
Tim:That's where the practice and the exercise of self trust, of personal faith There's a lot of things that have happened in this world on a magnificent level because people did things, took action on instincts and and gut feelings that have changed and altered the world. The evidence came later on. But even if they never had that evidence, it doesn't null and void the essence and the value of what the experience is. That's why somebody who who gives you their degree or gives you their title doesn't mean squat. That's why it makes me laugh when people think that they're owed respect when respect is earned.
Tim:It's general respect. Yeah. We should we should generally have respect for our everyday common day, common folks, sentient beings, animals, living entities that we engage with around us, having that general respect is is in our best interest. Absolutely. But I'm talking about that respect where people think that they're owed respect because of this is my accomplishment.
Tim:Now your accomplishment is how what you went out and and created in the world helped you to elevate you as a magnetic being, as a human being that has a higher practice and execution of quality, if you will, whatever that means. But it's just something to ponder, something to think about. But, think about where maybe you've done this for yourself or to yourself or you've had family or friends where they have a practice of doing this to themselves, and you're, like, going, wow. They they have so much to offer, but they're out there tripping around the world in the darkness looking for facts. And then once they get the facts and once they get the statistics and once they get the evidence, then they might start to trust themselves.
Tim:We all have our own unique special gifts and abilities, but the practice of faith, the practice of self trust is one of our biggest opportunities as we walk through this world. So I'll leave that with you to think on, to ponder. I hope this is, thought provoking as well as maybe inspirational or maybe it scares you a little bit. That might be good. Maybe I scared you.
Tim:Fear is a fear can be a good thing sometimes too. So, anyways, I wish you all the best moving forward into these dark darking darkening days of of December as the year wanes and and the days get shorter. I wish you all the best. If you found this interesting, please share it with some friends. If you did like this, please like it.
Tim:Hit the like button, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, wherever you hear this. And we will see you again next week or we'll hear you again next week because this is an audio podcast. Until then, I wish you all the best. Cheers.
Tim:Thanks for joining me today. If you've resonated with any of the stories or insights shared today, don't forget to hit that subscribe button. Your support means the world, so feel free to share your thoughts using hashtag powerful and unpolished podcast. Until next time, stay powerful, stay unpolished.