Emotional Detox: Navigating Post-Election Feelings
Ever wonder why success doesn't always equal fulfillment? I'm Tim Salmons, and with 30 years experience as an actor and a career spanning work in the blue collar corporate medical field, as well as public service industries. I've seen and experienced the human condition at its best and worst. Here on powerful and unpolished, we will explore the everyday traps, draining our energy and hindering fulfillment. This isn't just another success podcast.
Tim:It's about breaking free from patterns that hold you back and limit your potential. Join me on this transformative journey as we explore and identify limiting traps, detach from draining patterns, and rediscover the power within, creating a life that is truly powerful and unpolished.
Tim:Good day, and welcome to Powerful and Unpolished. I'm Tim Salmons. I'm your host. I have, decided to do a post election. I call it the post election hangover podcast.
Tim:Yes. It is powerful and unpolished, but that's the unpolished aspect. We're just kind of going with, what's showing up, and it's an interesting time. There are a lot of people that I'm witnessing through various social media posts and interactions, and I'm sure you've probably heard a number of podcasts. And then there's other people who are just putting on a good game face and going out there in the world and, you know, plugging things away as they continue to move further down their path.
Tim:So I would say as this post election, hangover, there's a lot of energy. There's a lot of people that are excited. There's a lot of people who are scared and frustrated. It covers the gamut. It's a it's a full spectrum of emotions.
Tim:It's a full spectrum of awareness. I would encourage, wouldn't no matter what side you're on, to just be aware of what it is for you. How are you holding on to something, or is it holding on to you? You see, it's no matter which side you're on in this situation, there are lessons here for everybody involved, and these lessons, they're not going away just because people want to ignore them or want to be right about their stance and how wrong the other side is. It's we're all one of the same unit.
Tim:You know? There is no right without the left, and there is no left without the right whether you like that or not. And you may not you may not like that statement, but there's obviously some lessons here because life has always grown us. Life has given us an opportunity. And what I'm witnessing in the last week or so since the election, they, the struggle, but I've also witnessed some of the the the light that's come out of this situation.
Tim:I see people posting writings and and articulating in a more cohesive, inclusive manner than our typical they're wrong. I'm right. Let's fight. So there's something good coming out of some people because some of these posts that I've read in there are some posts on I don't know about you guys, but there are some people who are really processing through social media. And if you're one of those people, by all means, do whatever you need to do to process, but you might also want to sit down and really kind of, like, explore other possibilities with friends, family, coaches, instructors, teachers, confidants, anybody you can find, go help the process.
Tim:Be aware that if you're just pontificating on social media and reinforcing the fear and the struggle that you're going through, odds are you're going to just keep magnifying the fear and the struggle that you're going through. It becomes a vicious cycle, and I don't think that that's what some of these folks are intending to do and some of them are saying things in a very articulate way that is like, oh, wow. That's something to consider, and and I'm saying on both sides. I'm like I said, I'm independent. I'm I work as best as I can to be as objective as I could possibly be while still being a human being with bias.
Tim:Because every one of you out there listening right now, little secret, yes, you're biased. We're all biased. Welcome to the human condition. But part of the reason why I wanted to explore this, and this is just kind of metaphorically exploring the concept, You know, we've kind of allowed ourselves to evolve in these last 10, 15 years, maybe longer, but, you know, this is the time we're living in right now, so the 10, 15 years is significant right now. K?
Tim:And, we've really allowed ourselves to kind of move into this sort of bipolar existence in this country. They're right, I'm wrong, they're manic, I'm fearful or depressed, and we're all part of the same body of essence, if you will. And so when we get more righteous about whether we're deeper into fear and depression or deeper into manic and righteousness, It just takes us further away from our core, further away from our center, further away from the one thing in this country that allows this country to be empowered and powerful. And I've said it before, it's the word united. It's united.
Tim:For if we are not united, and this is a little secret for anybody out there who's on the far right or the far left who think that you can just do it all yourselves, Your world will not be the same without the other side. Period. And I'm not talking in a glory good. I don't want them in my life. I don't want them in my space.
Tim:Well, you're not gonna have what you have. I mean, we we all actually benefit together. We all contribute together. That's why this concept of being united really holds a a a golden thread of truth to it. And no matter what side you're on, you might wanna get clear and stop being on your little platform of righteousness and look in the mirror and say, you know what?
Tim:They're probably in fear as well. The other side is is having their reaction, and I wonder what kind of fear they're dealing with and what they're trying to manage and and why do they do what they do. Maybe they, you know, maybe we have more in common than we give ourselves credit for, but we just don't we haven't been connecting in the last 10 or 15 years because we've gotten so separate from one another. That doesn't mean you have to condone everything they believe or everything that they do, but to devalue the humanity in them, the other side. It takes you further away from your own personal value, which brings us back to the beginning when I talked about the lessons.
Tim:We have lessons that the universe, that God, the source of this world, of this universe, is always bringing to us, and maybe it's part of that aspect of allowing ourselves to humble what we're dealing with and possibly just take the opportunity away from focusing on what's out there in the world, the thems in the world. No matter what side you're on, you're always well, a lot of people are focused on the thems. Oh, them. The under the other side. Maybe this is an opportunity to take a little bit more intention, a little bit more integrity and accountability, and put the focus on you.
Tim:This fear, this anxiety, this stress that you've been dealing with, not in the last week, in the last 10 years, This stress, what is it in you that keeps that alive? And if you wanna keep putting a picture or a face on it and blame it on someone else, you're kinda missing the boat. You're missing the point. Because the little secret here, that anxiety, that righteousness that you fight for, it's all just a a flagrant act in fighting for control, control you've never had. You don't have control over the election.
Tim:You don't have control over the politicians even though people think, oh, well, we got rid of the poll everybody's a politician. What do you think politics is? Go hang out at a baseball field. Go hang out at a football field. Go there's politics everywhere, and I'm not talking, you know, blue or red.
Tim:I'm talking everybody who's just angling to to get their their next step. So if you're one of those folks that's struggling with fear and anxiety, give yourself some grace. Please give yourself some grace and ask yourself, what is the fear anchored in? Is it in something that you even have an inkling of control over? Because if it's not, then you're responsible for creating your own misery and your own stress.
Tim:What's the one thing that's constant in our world? Change. Change is constant, and no matter how much we get embraced in our comfort zone, change will always feel like a frustration, a rub, a kick in the teeth. But remember, since change is one thing that is constant in this world other than death and taxes, With change, there's always the opportunity for further change and more change, and it's gonna keep changing. And so that's where you wanna start stepping into your power.
Tim:You wanna start stepping into something that has significance in your life today in the room that you're sitting in, in the seat that you're sitting in. You wanna do some change? Then start putting some change in focusing on who you are and how you wanna value and create the world around you. Focusing on some grand national election that you have no if you voted, great. If you didn't vote, great.
Tim:You didn't vote. You voted by not voting, to be honest with you. So your vote was what you got. That's what turned out. But the thing is is as you sit in that seat and the reaction of maybe what you wanted happened and you're really excited, but you wanna go rub somebody's nose in it, and that's not really, you know, that that speaks a lot about character, whether you have some or not.
Tim:But the other aspect is is if you're someone that's fearful, deal with what's in the space before you. What's the space I wanna create? Because that's the only thing you have influence over. That is your world. Allowing the cycle of anxiety and stress and frustration to come into your space.
Tim:If you allow it into your space, then it's your choice. I'm just saying. You can give me all the excuses in the world and all the justifications, and, you know, as long as you believe they're right, then they'll be right for you. But having worked with a lot of people over many years and realizing where their power lives and where it exists, it doesn't matter whether you're blue, whether you're red, whether you're freaking green or yellow. We create our world, and the world that we create is right around us.
Tim:You know, I'm gonna say the Mahatma Gandhi's saying. You know? I mean, it's it's it's used all the time and not to be cliche, but it is. You wanna be the change that you wanna see in the world. If you wanna see that change, go be it.
Tim:Now if you wanna go crusade against somebody, then realize you're bringing a fight. You're inviting energy in to fight. Mahatma Gandhi didn't go out to create fights. He created opportunity in space. So that others could find it in themselves to grow and change.
Tim:So this was just more of an explore exploration. I I've really just noticed a lot of processing going on in social media. That's fair, I guess. But when we're processing so much in social media, I'm wondering who you're trying to convince, and what are you trying to convince them of? You know, share your thoughts, share your ideas.
Tim:But if you're stressed out and you're frustrated, the first thing you need to do is take care of yourself. It's like being on an airplane. You know what? The oxygen mask comes down. Put your mask on before you deal with anybody else.
Tim:And that's just something to be aware of for yourself. So I was gonna have a guest on, but they had to reschedule, and I was just thinking, wow. What what's really the energy that's in our space right now? And what I'm seeing is a lot of reaction, which is a weaker state of energy. When we get caught up in reaction, we're not in our strongest gifts, we're not in our strongest thinking, we're not in our strongest power.
Tim:And then when we're in anxiety or frustration or fear, then we're pretty much typically just fighting to gain control somehow, some way. Which is more reaction? Which is more weakness? Get clear on where your power is. The power is in you, having grace, honor, respect, love, integrity, and authenticity for yourself, and sharing that with the individuals around you no matter who they are.
Tim:And then if somebody brings something into your space that doesn't align with your values, then leave that space or do something that's gonna honor you in that space to care for yourself. So this is just some thoughts. It's more ideas to pull apart, explore, For the for those folks out there who are celebrating, by all means. You know? If if you're feeling good about where you are and you have some hope in your world, I hope you share that with people.
Tim:I hope you share the hope, not the competition of a win. And for those who are struggling, I hope you share hope, Hope that people can understand that the fear that you both share is a common experience. So I wish you all the best. I hope you find that's why on my social media, a lot of times I post, like, dark castles and eerie things and and animals being saved and trips I wanna take. I mean, social media for me is like a vision board, so I just kinda look at it as these are things that are good energy to put out into the world and possibilities that I can grow my life into.
Tim:And hopefully, it makes someone else smile or share because they like it too. So until next time, I wish you guys all the best. I wish everybody listening peace, peace of mind, recognition that we are all empowered because of the ability to be united and that being not being united is a disempowering it's it's a disempowering state that we can't afford no matter what side you're on. So create the world that you want around you, and you'll be amazed on what happens. And realize that since life is always full of change, that it will continue to change.
Tim:So I wouldn't relish the high highs or the low lows for too long because it will change again soon to bring us more lessons. Each and every one of us. Until then, I wish you all the best. Sending you love and light, and I hope that your day is better because of you.
Tim:Thanks for joining me today. If you've resonated with any of the stories or insights shared today, don't forget to hit that subscribe button. Your support means the world, so feel free to share your thoughts using hashtag powerful and unpolished podcast. Until next time, stay powerful, stay unpolished.