Mind Games: Unraveling Our Hidden Influences
Ever wonder why success doesn't always equal fulfillment? I'm Tim Salmons, and with 30 years experience as an actor and a career spanning work in the blue collar corporate medical field, as well as public service industries. I've seen and experienced the human condition at its best and worst. Here on powerful and unpolished, we will explore the everyday traps, draining our energy and hindering fulfillment. This isn't just another success podcast.
Tim:It's about breaking free from patterns that hold you back and limit your potential. Join me on this transformative journey as we explore and identify limiting traps, detach from draining patterns and rediscover the power within, creating a life that is truly powerful and unpolished.
Tim:Good day, everybody. I want to welcome you to Powerful and Unpolished. This is Tim Salmons. I am your host. I have a, another solo episode to bring to you today.
Tim:Today is the election day, the general election day here in the United States, and that brings with it a lot of energy and, a lot of energy, a lot of concepts, a lot of stuff to deal with, a lot of stuff people been dealing with. It's It's almost like getting ready for the release now that the the official voting day is here. We will have some just FYI, we will have some new guests coming up here in the near future, talk about their businesses and, and how their life interacts with their businesses. But this is just another solo pontification of Tim Solomon's unpowerful and unpolished. Yay.
Tim:Hopefully, you find these intriguing. Hopefully, maybe a little entertaining. And, obviously, it's very unpolished because I just have fun with it. Sometimes I say, you know, a lot, but, you know, that's how it works. Anyway, yes.
Tim:So it's election day and it's something that stirs up a lot in a lot of people, especially when we are conditioned into this culture of, you know, a 2 party system. It's either this way or that way. And if you're not like me, you must be them. And so that's a common occurrence in this culture, unfortunately, because we have so much diversification. We have so many different kinds of, of gifts and people and opportunities.
Tim:I mean, the constitution even kind of talks about that, you know, honoring individual expression and, and freedom and opportunity. And, so it, it, it affords us those awarenesses, yet we still come back to this, what I call conditioning, which is, you know, you're either with me or you're against me. You're my party or you're them. And it brings a lot of angst. And so the thought that came to me about today is hopefully releasing some of that anxiety, releasing some of that awareness, but really, and just a side note, I'm recording this on the day of the election.
Tim:This this podcast will be released tomorrow morning, so it'll be the day after. So we'll be just starting the hangover from the election. So for those that are listening, I'm sure you're going, wait a minute. The election day was yesterday or the day before or last month, whenever you listen to this. So, but the the the thought or the topic that I wanted to bring up today is, are you aware of your conditioning, of your programming, of the culture, the world, the family, the the societal groups that have molded you, that have supported you, that have conditioned you into a certain mindset or, pattern of showing up in this world.
Tim:And to take that even another layer further, what I would like to ask you, and it's really about you, whether you can be honest with yourself or not, what are you conditioned to? Are you conditioned to fear? Are you conditioned, which was our subject last week, are you conditioned to scarcity? Are you conditioned to suspicion, being on guard? Are you conditioned to possibility?
Tim:Are you conditioned to, given the benefit of the doubt? Are you conditioned to a greater sense of understanding in situations when you're engaged with these situations, whether it's with another person, whether it's with yourself? The reason why I asked this question, are you aware of your conditioning, is a lot of our political world, especially here in the United States, but I I think it's around the world, is it really feeds off of what people are conditioned to. If people are conditioned to suspicion and condition to fear and condition to righteousness being on guard, well, then energetically, that's that's what comes to them. That's what that's what they draw to themselves.
Tim:And that's why political parties and campaigns and politicians, they wanna find that raw wound or that, that, that, that scab, that metaphoric scab that you have, and they wanna pick at it and they want you to feel uncomfortable and they want you to be in fear because you are more pliable, maybe for lack of a better term, easily manipulated. When I can get you aggravated in your fear and then sell you on why I can keep you safe or why the our party can keep you safe, you have no more safe or security than the general day ahead of you. It's it's you have just as much security today as you have yesterday. I mean, obviously in this country, we have a lot of ways that people can get injured or, or mortally wounded or whatever. It's part of our culture.
Tim:It's part of our everyday world. And yet, we think that one carries more fear than the other. Where does that where does that conditioning come from? Because it's not like you really hear politicians speaking to people based on, you know, what are your hopes, your dreams? You might get a little bit of that here and there, or you might get more of that from, you know, I mean, we do have what we would consider other parties, political parties in this country, like libertarian or unity or or whatever the case may be.
Tim:There's so many other different ones. But odds are, they typically are speaking to your conditioning. Are you aware of what your conditioning is? Are you aware that you are no matter how educated you are, no matter how much money or how much clout you have. The fact is is if you know where you're conditioned and how you're conditioned, you can understand why people are, marketing to you because that's basically what politicians are doing since it is election day today.
Tim:They are marketing to your greatest fear, and they need you to be very in touch with your suspicion, very in touch with your questioning of, of systems and people and stuff like that. And the thing is, is it's nothing cracks me up more. And, and it's not it doesn't crack me up in a fun way. It cracks me up in like a scratch my head going, really? Don't you get it?
Tim:Nothing cracks me up more than when someone says to, someone who works in a profession of public service, whether it's a firefighter, whether it's a police officer, EMS, paramedics, when you get a civilian saying, well, you work for me, my taxes pay for you, you work for me. And you might've heard me say this before, but I'm like, these people are so into conditioned fear and control and manipulation because that's really what fear is. Fear is lack of trust, lack of faith. So I'm going to fight for control. And that's what they do.
Tim:These people fight for control. And part of their little power grab is to sit there and say, I pay taxes, you work for me. And I'm like, let's get really clear, neighbor down the street or neighbor, wherever you are, your taxes might even pay, might pay for the street lamp that's on your street, might pay for, you know, the gutter system or the sidewalk system. Don't sit here and act like you're Elon Musk and all this money that you were paying pays for all these people and they work for you. It, it, it, it's baffling that people who are blue collar, middle class, or even below, think that, these people work for them, like like, as if you're some sort of, civilian boss or overseer of these people.
Tim:I mean, it's, you know, firefighters, police officers, they're out there working. They're trying to make a living and take care of their families the same way you are. Some are definitely better than others. Some are incredibly skilled and talented. Some, not so much.
Tim:Some have a lot of integrity. Some, not so much. But it's about getting really real to that rather than, oh, my conditioning is they're out to get me and stuff like this, so I'm going to attack them back. I'm going to these are just scenarios that, you know, I've seen them throughout my lifetime. Nowadays, you see them anywhere.
Tim:You can see them on social media. You can see them on, you know, YouTubes, all that kind of stuff where you got all these people out there and it's just like going, wow. I wonder what they're conditioned to. Because when you have in your own everyday life a challenge or you're struggling to make a living, why you would get so righteous and go out of your way to make someone else's day more taxing, more challenging. I'm wondering if you're aware of that disconnect.
Tim:If your day is challenging, if your week is challenging, if your month is challenging, why would you unleash that on others? You you want them to feel bad? You wanna feel validated or justified? That's why I bring up this question today. It's just something to think about because we do live in this world through marketing, through branding, through politics, through religion about you're not quite right.
Tim:Something's not quite right with you. You could use a fix. You could use you could be better at it. You could be we could all be better at whatever proficiency we want to advance, whatever growth we want to incur or learn for ourselves. But oftentimes, our conditioning is a huge factor for the opportunities that we either open up to or we shut down.
Tim:I'm gonna say that conditioning is a factor to the opportunities that we either open up to or we shut them down. We shoot them down. There's many different directions we can jump off on and and explore the layering that goes along with this kind of introspection. But I'm just going to leave it there for today. I'm going to leave that there for you and say, just ask yourself from your upbringing, from the world you've been around, your education, the marketing that's crossed paths with you now and in the past, are you aware of how often the conditioning, the reinforcing information is you're not quite enough.
Tim:You could do better. You could you could be better. You could get better. And that's anchored in fear because the fear is I'm not enough. And then if you are more conditioned in possibility, sure, you still have that little self, that little me, that little, you know, questioning that goes on in there.
Tim:It just doesn't take you down as frequently or as deep as other people who are conditioned in uncertainty and fear, lack of trust, lack of faith. So this could be a big awareness if if it's speaks to any of our listeners out there. If you could just gain a general awareness like, am I conditioned to possibility? Am I conditioned to potential prosperity? Am I conditioned to being in action and having the skill to create?
Tim:Or am I conditioned, I'm not enough, my situation's not enough, there's not enough to go around. So just ask yourself, take a self audit, and just explore. Am I conditioned, or how am I conditioned? In fear, possibility. In trust and hope, possibility.
Tim:In fear of mistrust. In fear of scarcity. So I leave that with you, something to consider. This election day, I just want to send out a message, not only today, but any day moving forward. Have grace with yourself.
Tim:The anxiety, the stress that goes along with people during these times, a lot of it's anchored in their conditioning, but it's, it affects them. So I just encourage each and every one, no matter what your conditioning is, no matter where, where your common experience comes from, have some grace for for yourself. Have some grace for this situation and maybe for those around you whether they believe in what you believe or not because it can be stressful and some people are really questioned what's going on. And so I just send out grace and consideration that you find a little more peace in your everyday world and that the conditioning that is part of your world isn't your major influence. I hope that your conditioning is more of a sense of grace for yourself.
Tim:So for what's that for whatever that's worth, it's just something to think about, something to really ponder and and pull apart. You know, and there's no right or wrong. Actually, there's just opportunity. So until next time, I do wish you all the best. If you found this useful or maybe entertaining, please share with friends.
Tim:Otherwise, until next time, I wish you all the best. Have a great rest of the week. Cheers.
Tim:Thanks for joining me today. If you've resonated with any of the stories or insights shared today, don't forget to hit that subscribe button. Your support means the world, so feel free to share your thoughts using hashtag powerful and unpolished podcast. Until next time, stay powerful, stay unpolished.