Gratitude: Transform Your Life This Thanksgiving
Ever wonder why success doesn't always equal fulfillment? I'm Tim Salmons and with 30 years experience as an actor and a career spanning work in the blue collar corporate medical field, as well as public service industries. I've seen and experienced the human condition at its best and worst. Here on powerful and unpolished, we will explore the everyday traps draining our energy and hindering fulfillment. This isn't just another success podcast.
Tim:It's about breaking free from patterns that hold you back and limit your potential. Join me on this transformative journey as we explore and identify limiting traps, detach from draining patterns and rediscover the power within. Creating a life that is truly powerful and unpolished.
Tim:Good day, everybody. I hope you're doing well. This is powerful and unpolished. I'm Tim Salmons. I'm your host.
Tim:This is a holiday week that we are releasing this podcast. It is the it is being released the day before Thanksgiving. So we are putting focus on that awareness, that holiday, that mindset of Thanksgiving, of giving thanks, coming from an experience of growing awareness and appreciation. So this is gonna be a short, sweet solo event. And what I first wanna jump off on is a lot of times, if you go back into history or at least when I was growing up, how they talked about, the pilgrims and and, you know, those that were in Plymouth and how they had this, feast with the native tribe that was there.
Tim:And my understanding, if I'm pronouncing it correctly, is the Wampanoag people. And the Wampanoag tribe had come to visit the settlers who were having this feast, and they were, I I I believe the pilgrims, they said were having, like, duck and goose, maybe some turkey, but duck and goose were a lot easier to get ahold of. And, when the Wampanoag people showed up, they then contributed to the feast with venison, and there was also fish and shellfish and vegetables and things like that. Somewhere along the lines, it said somewhere that, somebody brought beer. Maybe both sides brought beer, but they were, you know, having a celebration, having an appreciation, having a day of thanks or a a few days or a week of thanks.
Tim:And the thanks was my understanding was sort of the mindset of the harvest. You know, the harvest had now been completed. It was giving thanks for what had been, a blessing over the last year, and we're moving into the darkest days of the year, the colder days of the year. And so it was really one of these celebrations to honor life, honor each other and demonstrate an act of, appreciation, which paid, you know, it had a ripple effect obviously, and it paid itself forward and it's moved out into the world. But it what's interesting is Abraham Lincoln was the president.
Tim:Now he's one of my favourite presidents or definitely one of my favourite presidents. But, he's the one that established or had written into law, on October when it went into effect was October 3rd, 18/63 was when he had proclaimed this was a national day of thanksgiving to be celebrated on Thursday, November 26th. So obviously, that was that year. It was later on that, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, he, had established that it would be the, I think, the 4th Thursday of November in which Thanksgiving day would be observed. And that's how we ended up getting to this factor.
Tim:And why I wanted to do this quick honoring is it is Thanksgiving day. I hope that you are with your your family and friends. I hope the last year has brought you some abundance of feast, of love, of, camaraderie, interaction. And with that said, there is an abundance of things to be grateful for, to give things, to have appreciation, to have love, to invite in stronger, more positive energy. When this day was written into law by by president Lincoln, it was during the civil war.
Tim:It was during a time of strife. And I think that's something that that to be considered is rather than focus on the factual events that are going on around you, what do you want to carry for? What, what mindset, what, what energetic impression do you want to put forth so that it has an impact, not only on your day, your world, your, your connections, your family. So I, I share this example because Thanksgiving is a powerful practice. It's a wonderful holiday to witness, and I offer this to a number of my clients.
Tim:And so I'm just gonna share this with you. I challenge you. This is called the gratitude challenge. I challenge you with intention, with focus, at least 3 times a day in the morning when you're up brushing your teeth, getting ready in the morning, you look in the mirror At night, you're getting ready to go to bed, brushing your teeth, getting cleaned up, whatever. You look in the mirror.
Tim:And in the middle of the day and the gratitude challenge is this, You spend at least 3 times a day, 5 minutes a day, Expressing any and all things that you appreciate that have benefited you, things that you may have taken for granted, things that you may have overlooked or overconsidered, people you may have thought well of but didn't express to them, Wishes that you had held for yourself, but didn't give yourself the grace to honor or acknowledge that you're worthy of your dreams, your hopes, your aspirations. So the challenge is that you do this 3 times a day, a minimum of 3 times a day, morning, noon, and night, at least 5 minutes, gratitude of any and all kinds. You do it every day, every single day for 7 days. And I want you to witness how your world shows up. I want you to witness and be aware of how your inner internal world is processed, how you're feeling, how you're interacting with others, how they're interacting with you, how your days are rolling out and just see if you, if you, I mean, I'm asking you at the, at the maximum of 15 minutes a day on 3 different occasions for 5 minutes, you actually give yourself the awareness, the gift of the awareness of appreciation of gratitude.
Tim:A day, a moment of thanksgiving for yourself, for who you are in this world, and for those that impact you and that you impact as well. And after the 7 days, see if anything if you notice anything, see if there's any adjustments in your space, in your world, in your energy. See if there's any adjustment in the world around you. Be aware of that. Open up that awareness.
Tim:And if you're finding, if at all, that it's having any sort of positive or helpful or supportive influence on you or just on your daily life, then I encourage you to continue to pay it, to to to to pay it forward for yourself, to continue to keep the practice up, not just at the end of the year, at the end of November when we're having gratitude and thanks for thanksgiving day and a holiday, but we're actually having it throughout the year. So I challenge you to give yourself that opportunity. Just play with it. I mean, you don't even have to take it serious. It it doesn't have to be a heavy burden or anything like this.
Tim:You just sit there and say, okay, I'm grateful for the fact that, you know, my heart's still beating. I'm grateful for the fact that I gotta talk to my wife today. I'm grateful for the fact that, heck, there's still civility in the world. May not be what some people want or desire or hope for or all that kind of stuff. We're not focused on that.
Tim:We're focused on what you're grateful for. Give yourself this chance to see how it shows up. If there's any sort of adjustment or if there's any sort of of influence, make note of it. You actually have power in this process. So give it a shot.
Tim:Check it out. So on that note, I wish you well. I hope you have a wonderful meal, no matter what it is, whether it's roast beef, turkey, shrimp, lobster, crab legs, vegetables, whatever you have. I dearly w I do truly wish that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving day week of honoring yourself, giving yourself grace, and giving your giving the rest of the world grace around you. So until we talk next time, have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and we'll catch you next week.
Tim:Thanks for joining me today. If you've resonated with any of the stories or insights shared today, don't forget to hit that subscribe button. Your support means the world, so feel free to share your thoughts using hashtag powerful and unpolished podcast. Until next time, stay powerful, stay unpolished.