Miracles & Money: A Spiritual Odyssey


Ever wonder why success doesn't always equal fulfillment? I'm Tim Salmons. And with 30 years experience as an actor and a career spanning work in the blue collar, corporate, medical field, as well as public service industries. I've seen and experienced the human condition at its best and worst. Here on powerful and unpolished, we will explore the everyday traps draining our energy and hindering fulfillment.


This isn't just another success podcast. It's about breaking free from patterns that hold you back and limit your potential. Join me on this transformative journey as we explore and identify limiting traps, detach from draining patterns, and rediscover the power within, creating a life that is truly powerful and unpolished.

Tim Salmans:

Hello, and welcome to Beyond the Echo Chamber. This is powerful and unpolished. I'm Tim Salmons. I'm your host. Thank you for checking us out today.

Tim Salmans:

Today, I have a wonderful guest that, I've invited to step in and, meet with. His name is doctor Roger Teal, and I'm gonna go down Roger's bio here real quick. I wanna let you folks know. Roger is a life transforming speaker, a gifted community builder, and a global spiritual leader for nearly 50 years. Known for his unique blend of storytelling, humor, and practical spirituality, Roger's inspirational messages and transforming courses empower people to dynamically express more of their limitless power, power and potential.

Tim Salmans:

Roger has trans has traveled the globe as a spiritual seeker to glean the wisdom of other spiritual traditions and heed the call to a higher consciousness. In 2014, Penguin Random House published Rogers' inspiring and highly acclaimed book, This Life is Joy, Discovering the Spiritual Laws to Live More Powerfully, Lovingly, and Happily. Wayne Dyer penned the books forward, and Michael Bernard Beckwith, he ended up writing the the preface for the book. He has received numerous accolades, including the light of god expressing in society award from Unity World Ministries, and that was bestowed on him in 2013. 5 years ago, after 25 years of continuous leadership, Roger retired from his role as senior minister of Mile High Church in Lakewood, Colorado.

Tim Salmans:

He formed Roger Teal Ministries and offers life transforming seminars and meditation retreats that provide participants opportunities to expand their awareness and immerse themselves in a higher vibrational field. His signature webinar is a 3 month program entitled Master Dream Building. He also does 1 on 1 mentoring. Much of Roger's work is now offered in spiritual format as well. In his leisure time, Roger enjoys movies, travel, golf, and musical jam sessions with his sons, dating his wife, and spoiling his grandkids.

Tim Salmans:

So I think he's, he's got a good formula for life right there. How are you, Roger? Thank you.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

Hey. I'm good, Tim. Hey. Thanks for having me on. Absolutely.

Tim Salmans:

I I love reading through your bio, though, because I participated. Like, we have 2 copies of your book, and, we've read one of them. You know, so but we have 2 copies of your book and just love it, have attended multiple of your meditation retreats, and they are incredibly insightful and inspiring. And, actually, I've experienced some of your jam sessions with your, your banjo. You're quite the,

Dr. Roger W Teel:

Oh, I apologize for that.

Tim Salmans:

Yeah. So, thank you for taking the time today. What is jumping off here. Just there's a lot of directions we can go. One of the things that the questions that comes to me is, what is one of the fondest spiritual memories that you've had throughout your career, I mean, looking back?

Dr. Roger W Teel:

Oh, wow. Spiritual memories. I've got so many because I've been doing this for over 4 decades. You know, some of some of the fondest well, I here's one. I I could I could quote or tell you about the 3 times I've hung out with a group that, created projects with the Dalai Lama and and his impact.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

But, you know, it comes to mind in this moment that some of the times when I've seen transformation in in individuals' lives, to me, that's that's what keeps me going. That's what I love to reflect on. I'm thinking when I was a much younger minister and I got called way in the early AM in the morning to go down to Children's Hospital in Denver because a family, a young, couple, was having their second child a girl. And she was in ICU and NICU, infant ice ICU and right on the border of life and death. And they called me down there, and I scrambled, together and got down there.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And walk I remember walking in that room and the the fur, you could cut the fear with a knife. And of course, this family, was desperate, to keep their little girl alive, but the doctors had pretty much given up. She was kind of blue there in the bassinet if I remember. And the family had started coming to Mile High which I don't know if your listeners know but it's a non traditional spiritual center. It's a very very large spiritual center built by people who want to find the Golden Court of Truth in all the faiths, the deep mystical truths and live those spiritual principles even beyond the vehicles of religion that, express them.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And they had learned some of these universal spiritual principles, but they were scared to death. And and they just said, we just, you know, we've we just gotta have your help. We gotta pray. And I said, well, here's the thing. There's an intelligence that's greater than we are, and it's created your life and mine.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

It's created that little girl's life and knows what to do and knows what's best. So let's just go into prayer and our chief objective is we gotta just let go of the fear and step into a place of surrender and trust. And, you know, the tears had been falling, but they kinda dried a little bit. And then we just held hands around that bassinet. I remember I prayed for a while, and there was moments of silence.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And and the praying wasn't to a distant God because we don't believe that there's a separated divine entity up there pulling the strings. But the prayer was to move into a space of realization that that healing energy and light wasn't absent, and we weren't trying to call it in. It was right there if we could recognize it and invoke it and evoke it. And so it was really working on the 3 of us to establish a different field in that hospital room. You know, a field of acceptance and realization that within that little girl was the spirit of the divine.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

Within all of us is the spirit of the divine. We're immersed in the light and intelligence of God waiting to be recognized. And at one point as we were praying for maybe 10 or 15 minutes, I suppose, I lost track of time. I I felt a shift. And I it was in me for sure, and there was also, I think, in those 2 parents.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And and, I could tell that they felt great relief when we were done. And there's really nothing more I could do except hug them and tell them keep me posted and that I love them. And, hey, the greater power's in charge here, and, let's just stay in that realization and and bless that baby. Surround her with love. Bless her soul.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And it knows what to do here. And the next day, about 8 o'clock, I got another call from them. It wasn't that many hours later when I finally got home. And they said it's been a turnaround. All of a sudden she's breathing and she's not blue anymore.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And the the the doctors never could explain why. Mhmm. And I just feel like we helped we we created an energy field that allowed that higher awareness in that child to come to terms with whether to stay here or not. And the love made it comfortable to stay. And and then about 15 years ago, I got a call from that same couple asking me to do the wedding ceremony for that daughter.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And now she has 2 sons. We recently traveled with that couple for over a month. They became, leaders at Mile High because they'd seen they'd experienced and witnessed what had gone on. And so, you know, when you ask me that question, yeah, I could go to one extreme and say hanging out with the Dalai Lama 3 times. That was incredible.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And other things similar to that. But, you know, for me, in my heart, it's when you can see something like that happen. And it it's kinda like what happens when we clean up our awareness and, dissolve our, it seems like, deep wiring to always default to fear. And if we can shift out of that fear and into love, that's when what we call miracles. That's when miracles can happen.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And I don't know if miracles are really, quote, miracles as more as we just get the blockages out of the way of the natural good, and and, shifts that want that want to happen in any situation. Longer ended answer to a simple question, but there you go.

Tim Salmans:

No. That's great because I, I was gonna ask you about an event through your spiritual career that had touched your life and transformed your life, and, obviously, that one did. It's I that that's why I wanted to have you on this show and and just really enjoy talking with you about this because what really stands out to me in the work that I'm doing as well, all along those lines is where you recognize how it's sort of in our I won't say it's in our DNA. I think it's in our system, our world, our practices where we kinda have this, you know, if I have the will, I'll make it happen. So I'm gonna go and like you were saying about praying, I have a friend who, you know, he was brought he was brought up and raised, in a Christian.

Tim Salmans:

His father was a preacher, And he has he has shared with me multiple times that his version of of prayer was more like begging God to help

Dr. Roger W Teel:

and Mhmm.

Tim Salmans:

Instead of and he he that's the part that he always struggled with. He was like, I I don't I don't feel that, and so when he shared that with me and when you were just sharing your story, I was like going, yeah. A lot of times in in our culture, in our world, you know, we we don't really tap into the the resource that's available to us, the belief system that's available to us. It's there's kind of a pray for it to happen and, you know, beg, please. I'll give up my, you know, my new car or whatever.

Tim Salmans:

You you you know, you compromise

Dr. Roger W Teel:

The ironic thing about that is that if one is immersed in that kind of a theological system or paradigm, and they do that kind of beseeching and begging kind of prayer, but they go away from it believing something's gonna happen. Something often does. It's not because they more effectively begged than the other millions of people praying in that instant. It's because they shifted into a state of acceptance and believing. And, and that allowed their creative energies to go forth to create shifts and changes in in their life or in another's.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

You know, it it it just confounds me how many in the traditional Christian world have misunderstood this because the master teacher, Jesus, is pretty clear about a couple of things. He said it's not me doing the work. It's the father within. He does the work. So he was saying there's a power within.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And he always, I believe, wanted to awaken that same awareness that he had become, illuminated, the Christ energy in everybody. And so he would say the kingdom of God is not over here or over there. He said it's so good. Behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Now it's not floating around somewhere in our bodies.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

It's within our awareness. It's within consciousness that we can turn into this higher frequency, this higher love, this higher awareness. And then he said another thing so clear. He said, when you pray, believe that you have received and you shall receive. And he said, as thou has believed, so shall it be done unto you.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

So he was he was dishing out pure spiritual principle, same kind of stuff that, I've taught for years, which we call the science of mind and spirit. It's the principle of believed consciousness goes forth to become things and experiences and effect. That thoughts become things put very, very simply. That if we can shift our whole awareness and not just have a different thought but a believed thought and give ourselves to that thought and own that thought, that's creative power. There's a power that responds to our believing.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

He and many, many other master teachers have been just trying to get that across to us. But the other thing is we've bought into what we call the illusion of separation. We believe that everything is separate. And it it seems to our senses that everything is, like, that you're a different body than I am. Our bodies are separate.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

You think your own way, and I think my way. So our minds are separate. We look at all of creation, and we know we're separate from it. And so we weave this illusion. And it's it's an illusion based on faulty perception.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

That great master teacher was trying to teach us about the power of believing and how our believed awareness is the seed for creation. And, and many other enlightened masters have taught the same thing, that we have to shift our believing and shift the field of awareness that's going on. We need to move from fear to love. And, and that's that's the biggest thing. But you know what?

Dr. Roger W Teel:

For some people, they're just not available for that kind of believing. And so for them, the best they can conceive of is there's a distant God that sometimes answers prayers. And when he when that power which they've made a man in some cases doesn't respond then it wasn't in his will for it to happen. And, I guess the big challenge with that is that then you have to deal with the idea that that there's a power that blesses some and doesn't bless others, that withholds healing and transformation from some or in some cases and not in others. And so it brings up a whole lot of challenges.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

But most people are simply content to beg and hope. And sometimes the very fact that they prayed and besieged with great heart and feeling, they do move into a space of believing. And to some degree, they are open to something good. But what I love to to to explore and teach is how and the universe wants to work in our favor, But it's all about us growing in our awareness. That's the name of the game.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And we gotta get our fear out of the way. And we gotta learn the power of love, learn the truth of oneness, oneness with the divine, oneness with one another. Because all of those, beliefs of separation are illusion. No bodies are absolutely separate. Science has told us that.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

We're all a part of a dance of invisible energy and intelligence, and all matter emerges out of that field. Matter isn't the ultimate reality. It's not even close. It's a byproduct of an invisible field of life energy. We're all part of it.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

We can have to work with it. And I think that's what the human race is struggling to learn is, that we're made to be cocreators with the creator itself. And so anyway, I've shared a lot

Tim Salmans:

of stuff

Dr. Roger W Teel:

you probably didn't even wanna get into. But, you know, you put brought me on here. You're stuck with me.

Tim Salmans:

Oh, I love it. I for me, it's this is this the whole reason I've to do this podcast is really to pull things apart, pull the ideas apart, see, you know, is there I mean, I'll just put it this way. I tell the listeners, don't believe a word I say because, you know, I need you to listen from your essence, from your being, not from your head, not from what you've been told to hear. And in hearing what you were sharing, what I notice is that man's ego, we all have him.

Dr. Roger W Teel:


Tim Salmans:

Man's ego really works hard to fool us, to convince us that we are the center of our universe. We are the controller of, you know, our belief system. But the belief system that they have is told to us, not one that we instinctually go out and find ourselves. That's what I notice. I notice that, usually when I experience people being righteous about whatever their belief system is, there's a lot of ego attached to

Dr. Roger W Teel:

it. Mhmm.

Tim Salmans:

And what were you gonna say? I'm sorry.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

No. I think you're you're hitting the nail on the head because, the ego is really our worldly operating system to deal in a three-dimensional world. And in and of itself, it's not a bad or terrible thing. But along the way, it's much like a computer system. The the the ego got infected with a virus, and the virus is fear.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And thus, with a sense of fear and inadequacy, the ego defends us constantly. We we find ourselves defensive. And, the ego defends against love because that's a scary thing. You guys because you gotta give yourself up to love and you gotta be vulnerable and who hasn't been hurt a little bit by that. And the ego says, well, it's better just steal and close your heart and forget this love stuff.

Tim Salmans:

Plus love is

Dr. Roger W Teel:

liberating. Attached to belief systems and anything different rather than just contemplating it, seeing if there's any benefit in it, it just shuts it down and says that's not my way, that's not my belief. Anything that makes us vulnerable, the ego says forget it. So I know you probably work with a whole lot of people and you're trying to bust them out of restrictive belief systems, but you're up against a strong defense system that says, well, these beliefs may be making me miserable, but I've learned to live with this misery, and I'm not gonna go out on the skinny branches in my life, expose myself to humiliation or failure or anything like that. And so it's easy to fall into living a kinda tiny life, and some of the best that life has to offer gets turned away.

Tim Salmans:

Well, and it's I've had this discussion before because people like to use quotes or scripture to defend an idea, which is fine, but the one thing that it always takes me to when it says, man was made in the image of God, isn't that quite convenient? Because it really makes that man's ego very important now, doesn't it? You know, compared to the rest of nature, the rest of the universe, the rest of, you know, the the the dynamic that exists throughout the entire universe.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

Yeah. You know? Well, and that's why we're insensitive to the rest of nature and and other creation because one scripture also reads that we we were given dominion in Genesis, given dominion over all living things, which the ego loves because that means we're better than, the sky and the trees and this and that and the other thing rather than saying they're just all exquisite expressions of the same life that's in me. And I've been given a conscious dimension to this life, which means I can do some things. I can be creative and expressive in ways that the rest of life isn't.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And so what is what's the good in this and the opportunity? But we just stay stuck at a pretty low level and feel superior. Yeah. And now we're seeing the results of it.

Tim Salmans:

Well, and it's that's an interesting dynamic because that was one thing I wanted to ask you about is if you look at the world and you go back in history and doesn't the world always seem like it's on the verge of collapse? I mean, you go world war 2, you go back to world war 1, you go back to, you know, the Egypts and the Romans. And I, I mean, human beings have really unleashed as much control and destruction on this planet that is just astounding, but yet we still have the advances of humanity. You have this, you know, we're flying to the stars a lot more. We're we're accomplishing heart valve replacements without opening the chest.

Tim Salmans:

We're, I mean, the dynamic of improvements that have taken place are just astounding. And yet here's this repetitive cycle of self destruction, the end of the world, the end of humanity. And what do you, what's your thought between the relationship of those 2? How is it that we've advanced while we've still tried to blow ourselves up?

Dr. Roger W Teel:

Because the tool for that advancement is a double edged sword. That advancement, that technological advancement is one of the blessings of our intellectual awareness and our ability to experiment and explore and have breakthroughs and create create things that make tent can make life better. On the other hand, that same tool can imagine germ warfare. It can it can imagine, or it can feel insensitive to the ex to the extinction of species. It can it can vent weapons of mass destruction.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

It's it's like where are you sending that energy? It's like the the electricity that's lighting up our rooms. What a blessing it is. This wouldn't be nearly as good by candlelight, but we can that same energy can electrocute us if we use it incorrectly. And so it's like we've been given this great gift of a of a creative consciousness and the ability to learn and grow and explore and question and reflect.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

Those are all phenomena of our being that are wondrous. But here's the problem. We've given we've given our lives to that intellectual ability, And that can be misused. And the problem with that is that the intellect was never meant to be the leader of human life. It is meant to be a tool for human advancement.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

The leader for human life, ideally, is meant to be the heart. And if you use that intellectual tool with a closed or or an angry heart, then you're gonna reap destructive results. However, if your heart is always in charge, and this relates to people individually as well, if the heart's in charge, then it can discern the higher truths of life. It can it can plug itself into love and, mutual well-being, and it can come up with answers of a higher order. And then it can put the intellect to work to solve problems the intellect is supposed to solve.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

But the intellect is always, guided supposed to be guided by the heart, and that's what we're learning. Heartless intellectual advancement always messes us up. And and most of the time learning lessons, you go back to the repeated conflicts and wars and how it is that, humanity is so slow to learn lessons. And that's because there's only one aspect of the lessons that is intellectual. It's like humanity is trying to awaken its greater potential, which is in the heart.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

Because when humanity opens its heart, when an individual opens its heart, their heart, miracles can occur. The little baby can be resuscitated, as I shared earlier. Healings of conflict can come about. At some point, I'll tell you about one of the dialogues where the Dalai Lama was involved and the beginning of it where a Muslim journalist from Canada, a lady journalist, a rather young lady journalist from Canada, got into heated, heated arguments with a very passionate Jewish rabbi from Israel and how that got resolved. But that may be getting you a little off track.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

But I do believe that we're we're struggling to learn the power of the heart and let that power guide us.

Tim Salmans:

Well, it's like earlier you were talking about, the tools and that, you know, how ego is fearful of love. And I always see it as love is liberation. I mean, if you really look in the world, you know, the miracles that people talk about or even the everyday occurrences, love was liberation and is liberation. You know, you feel it.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And, you know, another quote in the Bible is where your where your treasures are, there shall your heartbeat also. Now a lot of humanity has kinda lost themselves in treasuring power and money, power being dominion over others and money. And in all honesty, for that sector of humanity, that's far more important than opening the heart and connecting with humanity and exploring ways to have shared good for all people. Because what they really treasure is how much money and power can I amass? And if you look at our our whole political system, it's, you know, it amuses me, the conflict between conservative and liberal and all of that.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

But in my humble estimation, and nobody has to believe this, but both systems are still locked in power and money struggles. And that's really the bottom line for each one. Going about it in different ways, but it's all still about power and money and and empowering corporations to be powerful and, always profitable no matter what damage it's doing to people or to the planet. And that's because hearts are closed.

Tim Salmans:

Do you think this is what stands out for me is that it almost seems like character has deteriorated. You know, back in the day when they used to talk about competition, oh, we we we're capitalism. Capitalism is based on competition. Well, we're really not capitalism. We're corporatism.

Tim Salmans:

It's based on money, and it's based on power and control. Because if it was capitalism, there would you would still need, sportsmanship. I mean, if you have competition, you have people who agree on certain standards that they're going to compete by. It seems like in the last 20, 30 years, 40 years, Hey, if I didn't get caught cheating, then it wasn't cheating. And it's like, we used to have sportsmanship, which is, you know, to have someone who has character, honor, and integrity.

Tim Salmans:

We have a lot of people who have a lot of money and a lot of power, but their absence of character, integrity, and accountability, because they're they'll step on anybody's neck to get ahead and it's a win at any cost. And it's like, if you are winning without character, without sportsmanship, what makes you any different from the thief?

Dr. Roger W Teel:

I I think you're hitting it on the head there. I think that's a symptom of, estrangement from that dimension of us called the heart is that we stop caring. And we we think our own welfare is really what matters. The that our welfare and those we love and then the rest of the world be damned. And, it's a sad way to live.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

But, you know, the the great axiom know thyself is the great challenge for humankind in my estimation. Who am I really? Am I my accomplishments? Am I my money? Am I the roles I've achieved in the status and reputation I've built?

Dr. Roger W Teel:

Who am I? And then some people struggle believing that who they are is their past and their defeats and their quirks and their failures, and neither is who anybody is. We're not our accomplishments and money any more than we're our mistakes and our failures. So who in the world are we? That's the big question.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

Can I discover something in me that shifts me into another dimension and expression of power, a different kind of power, the power to heal, the power to unite, the power to lead, effectively? I think we're all meant to be healers. We're all meant to be unique channels for light and for creative energy. And when our hearts are open, we get inspired, we receive higher ideas, we create great things. But again, it comes down to fear.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

A lot of humanity is afraid that, well, if I cooperate, I'm gonna get stomped on. If I, if I don't watch my backside, I'm gonna get stabbed. And, you know, there are people out there that'll do that, but I don't ever wanna live that kind of a fear based life. And many people, leading a fear based life is driving them crazy. And and they're they're getting stuck in having to anesthetize and numb the pain of carrying this fear and and and being cut off because their hearts are closed from from nature, from other people.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And and there are a lot of miserable people as Thoreau. I think Thoreau said, many people lead lives of quiet desperation. And I'm as a minister for all these years, I know that's true. And I know it doesn't have to be true. But I know it's an experience many are having.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

But we're also bigger than our experiences. And I think when a person realizes that working with people like yourself, they begin to realize, alright, I may have created all these experiences over and over and over again in my life. But now I'm beginning to realize that the power I used to create these traps is the power that can free me.

Tim Salmans:

Well, and far too often, it's people don't examine their belief system, their thought processes. You know, it's it's we spend so much time and energy reinforcing our identity, which is who we've known ourselves to be in the past. So we keep recreating the past. It's like going, you know what? What if you were different than who you knew yourself to be?

Tim Salmans:

What if your identity and your ego didn't have to participate? What if you actually created from nothing and said, hey. This is where I'm going, and this is where I'm gonna take it. That's a powerful approach. I wanna jump the rails just a little bit here because we're sorta talking about it.

Tim Salmans:

We've been talking about money and power and all this.


So is money a thing, or is money an energy?

Dr. Roger W Teel:

Oh, ultimately, money is an energy. Yeah. Well, maybe it's both. I mean, money is numbers on a page. It's paper and metal in its, earliest form.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

So, yeah, there's a there's a thingness to it. But I think, ultimately, people who are powerful with money realize it's life in action. It's energy. It's it's the flow of agreement and cooperation and commerce between peoples or groups. And that where we get in trouble is when we begin to think of money according to quantity and not creative energy.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And when it's quantity, the ego feels like there's never an I'll never have enough money to feel safe and secure or happy. And, of course, a lot of people are seeking their happiness by achieving money, great amounts of money. And that's so futile and sad. I mean, there's nothing wrong with accumulating a lot of money if you're good at what you do and you're creating a great service. But if you think it's gonna make you happy, wow, you're in for a really rough ride.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And then what do you do if you've got all this money and you're still miserable? And there are folks in that situation. So money's create the result of creative energy, and it's about creation and the flow. And and and I don't believe that there's a lack of of prosperity. There's a certain amount of money in my wallet right now, and I am a prosperous being because I'm a part of a life energy that is abundance itself.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And I can think creative thoughts. I can access a higher idea, and money will flow if I let it. But if I stay fear based around money and it's this limited quantity that I only have so much of and I gotta scrape and scrounge to get more of it, Yeah. I'm making myself miserable. I'm living in fear, and I'm also, in a way, shutting down the very, quality of creative consciousness that could open the floodgates to more money.

Tim Salmans:

Yes. There's, that's why I asked the question because there's also another shade to the relationship that you're talking about. If we see it as a thing, we hold it differently inside of ourselves. If we see it as an energy, that relationship inside of ourselves engages in a different energy, engages in a different way.

Dr. Roger W Teel:


Tim Salmans:

And so it's it's the awareness of the the layers of that relationship with money.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

Yeah. I that's exactly that's well well put. It's it's shifting ourselves out of, scarcity and lack paradigms and realizing there's no lack of ideas. Money is a byproduct. It's not even the goal.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

If I can find a need and fill it, if I can think beyond what appears to be limits around me and, think and and access a higher idea, a what if beyond what I've ever thought before, meaning it'll flow powerfully. I mean, somebody had to be sitting around in a highly creative space. And he came up with the idea of making shoe rubber shoes with holes in them. And I'll be damned if that hasn't made them immensely wealthy. But a lot of people would that idea was floating around for us all to grab.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

But a lot of people said, oh, that's ridiculous. That would never work. Nobody would ever buy that. And so we we closed the door to that idea, but it was universal. Anybody could have thought it up.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

This one person moved into that highly creative space and said, well, what if what if the rubber was comfortable? And what if that ventilated? And what if we what if the holes could be filled with trinkets and things like that that kids would love to wear? And what if and it it would be waterproof, and somebody didn't shut the door to that? And voila.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And the and and they weren't in that instant trying to make money. They were available in their awareness to a creative idea, which then, because they didn't pooh pooh it and shut it down, made money. Lots of it. And so the great challenge is, can I think beyond what I know? Yeah.

Tim Salmans:

They created beyond they created from from nothing. They created beyond people's concepts, people's rationalizations. It was like, no, look what we created. Look what we're gonna do. Look at how we're gonna market it.

Tim Salmans:

Look at you know, they they brought life into the creative idea of the shoe itself.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And some of the most wealthy people were those who refused to agree with the limited thinking of the herd, of the mass thought, and didn't just shut down possibility. The Wright brothers went against and others. There were others who were exploring flight, but they went against the notion, well, that people were meant to fly. They'd have wings. You know?

Dr. Roger W Teel:

They weren't willing to get stuck in that quicksand. But a lot of us agree with limitation, and so we're not organs for creative brilliance to show up. You know, because we've got horseless carriage that was deemed to be ridiculous. I don't think we think that today. And there's so many so many instances where somebody had the freedom of thought to not just get stuck in what they've been taught is so.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And they question. And they what if? Wouldn't it be great? It's like they didn't get stuck in, well, there's no way. There's no how to.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

They just said, but what if there were a way? Wouldn't it be great if? That's the way to approach it. Wouldn't it be great if? And then we allow an ideal to emerge.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And we own that without shutting it down, and then we stay open to how to. I mean, Edison, what if there could be elimination that didn't require gas to flow or candles to be lit? And the people said, yeah, but there's no way. And it appeared like they were right because he tried 100 and 100 and 100 of filament substances before he found what would work. But he didn't give up on the ideal of illumination in a safer way, and a better way.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And it later on, was asked, how did you accept those 100 and 100 and 100 of failures? And he said something so powerful. He said, I never failed once. It was all feedback. So he took what would have shut down many, many of us.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

He shifted he said this, okay. That didn't work. Good. I know that doesn't work. Onto the next thing.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

It was feedback. But many would have cashed in their chips after 4 or 5 substances and just said, well, it's there's just nothing that will glow like that without being destroyed and consumed in and of itself. There's just nothing. But he just kept going.

Tim Salmans:

It's also part of the the human mindset, the collective thinking. If you go back to let's go back a 100 years and tell people that you're, or 150 years and tell people, yeah, you can talk to someone halfway around the world on this little device on that you carry in your hand. Yeah. They'll burn you at the stake for being a witch.

Dr. Roger W Teel:


Tim Salmans:

And the reality is, is a lot of times the human lack of possibility, ego righteousness is incredibly destructive, not only to the individual, but to what's possible in the world. Because, I mean, I go on YouTube now and I look at all these different new inventions and new, possibilities and and signs that they're it's almost like they're creating things that are self energized. You know, we're you're talking about Edison now. It's to the point of going to what sort of Tesla was talking about, which is, you know, you find energy in the space itself and you use that energy. Right.

Tim Salmans:

So to be in possibility is is a key element to staying open to the creative process.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

I I couldn't agree more. And so the challenge for each and every one of us is, where do I shut down exploring and wondering and imagining? And what if I didn't do that simply because I'm okay with not knowing how to do any of it? That's that shows up later. I just wanna imagine a possibility.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

I wanna get a a higher idea. I wanna imagine an idea in the form of what could be. And if it's valuable, if it would make life better for me or for anybody, then I'm gonna pursue it even though I don't know how to do it, or people have said there's no way. Is that so that's the challenge. I've I've never had a money challenge.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

I've had some idea challenges where I needed an idea, a good idea. But that's really what we have, is idea problems. It's like we shut down and we accept situations rather than imagining. Well, what if what if I tried a different way? What if I did a different thing?

Tim Salmans:

Wow. Yeah. It's well, it's it's being in that imagination. It's exercising the creative practices and principles. It's It's being open to possibility and it's sitting the ego down.

Tim Salmans:

It's sitting the identity down and saying, Hey, And I I have shared this on some past podcasts, which is look around at everything in this world that's not nature, that's been created, and it started with an idea. And it started with somebody putting energy into it, a belief system, and then it came to form. And so the fact is, is we are creative brain beings. We are creative beings and life is a creative experience. And if we could give up the fight for control and which really is just a reflection of our lack and fear and insecurity.

Tim Salmans:

That's what a lot of people I I almost think we need to get to that point in our culture and in our society where we do start calling out the weakness. You know what? The person who is striving for the most power is usually the most weak.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

Yeah. Indeed. You know? You know, there's another factor that could help us if we understood it better, And that is great teachers have invited us to come together with people of like intention and open the creative circuits together. The master teacher said, where 2 or more are gathered in my name, meaning in my nature, there, the I am is in the midst of the, meaning there's a greater consciousness in the midst where 2 or more get together in a really open heartfelt space exploring what could be.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

And later on in our country, millennia later, Carnegie, the great industrialist, Andrew Carnegie, called a young man, to his home. And the young man was, invited to come to his home and, spend the night. And this young man was thinking, I can, I can I can get an article out of this, an interview with this great great industrialist, and that's prized? And so he jumped at it and had a lovely dinner. And and, Carnegie said, I'll talk to you tomorrow after breakfast.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

So the man went to bed in this lavish mansion and woke up and had a breakfast, and then he was ushered into Carnegie's office. And Carnegie said, I'm not gonna give you an interview. He said, but what I'm gonna do is offer you a job. And this job is to interview up to 500 of the most successful people around the world and to bring together, call the glean from them the success principles that anybody can use. And what I'm gonna give you is I'm not gonna give you any money, but what I'm gonna give you is access.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

I can get you access to any and all of the people that you can interview, But I'm not gonna pay you for this. And it may take you many years to complete writing this book that is a summary of the greatest success principles. In fact, it could take you a couple of decades. But I believe that if you start living by what you learn from these people, by the time you write this book, you're gonna be wealthier than me. So what do you say?

Dr. Roger W Teel:

You willing to take this on as a major part of your life? And unbeknownst to the young man, Carnegie had a stopwatch underneath his desk on his lap. The moment he asked him, are you willing to do this? He clicked the stopwatch. And Carnegie had decided ahead of time that if it took the young man more than 60 seconds to say yes, he wouldn't let him he wouldn't give him the job.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

In 30 seconds, the young man agreed to do it. And he went forth, and it took him 20 years to write Think and Grow Rich, which is a summary of the great principles that had worked. And he turned out to become extremely wealthy. And one of the principles that he used was called the mastermind principle. And he learned from a lot of these, highly successful people that they just didn't go it alone.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

That they got together in creative groups, and they shared they created a field, a a resonant kind of field in which creative ideas could flow and be activated. And it seemed like in coming together, a field of awareness was created bigger than the sum of the parts, bigger than the the individual people gathered there. And so Napoleon Hill, who wrote that classic book, was telling us another thing we humans can do is come together with free thinking people and explore together because something about our togetherness amplifies the field of awareness, And everybody is enriched and empowered with that. And that many surprised him by saying this was really key to my personal success as I got together with other folks, and we expanded our awareness together.

Tim Salmans:

That's, yeah, that's an awesome book, for multiple reasons. It's awesome because of the story you just shared, the spiritual practices that are actually a part of, the wisdom that he discovered that wealthy people were using. There's so much more that we could jump off onto, Roger. So this has been great today. In spite of all of the technical issues and stuff like this, I would love to have you back again soon because I think I

Dr. Roger W Teel:

would love it, Tim. You know, normally, I don't talk this much, but you bring it out in me. Actually, that's a lie. You know that's not true.

Tim Salmans:

Well, I just I just point you a direction and say, Here, go.

Dr. Roger W Teel:

Yeah. And then then you said you're thinking, how can I get him to end what he's saying? So I can go in another direction. But then that's why we get to do this again. And I am more than willing.

Tim Salmans:

This will be excellent to do it again. So for right now, I'm gonna sign off. I'm gonna say, friends, thank you very much for today. Hopefully, you've enjoyed some of the insights and and thought processes that we've covered. Thank you for hanging in there with the technical issues.

Tim Salmans:

Please hit the review button and share with some of your friends if you liked this or found it intriguing. What I would like to say too is if you could jump onto Apple or Spotify and drop a review on there for us, for any of the podcasts that you like. That would be very helpful in helping us moving forward and grow this process. Thank you very much for listening today. Make it a great day.

Tim Salmans:

And until next time, we're wishing you all the best now. Cheers.


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Miracles & Money: A Spiritual Odyssey
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