Redefine Resolutions: Embrace Your True Self
Ever wonder why success doesn't always equal fulfillment? I'm Tim Salmons, and with 30 years experience as an actor and a career spanning work in the blue collar corporate medical field, as well as public service industries, I've seen and experienced the human condition at its best and worst. Here on powerful and unpolished, we will explore the everyday traps, draining our energy and hindering fulfillment. This isn't just another success podcast. It's about breaking free from patterns that hold you back and limit your potential.
Tim:Join me on this transformative journey as we explore and identify limiting traps, detach from draining patterns, and rediscover the power within, creating a life that is truly powerful and unpolished. Happy New Year to powerful and unpolished. I'm Tim Salmons. I'm your host. Welcome to a whole new year.
Tim:2024 is now in the history books. I'm just gonna say this is gonna be a short and sweet. Kick it off for the new year. This is our 1st full week of 2025 and we are gonna go solo one more time, have a guest coming in next week. But for this week, the short and sweet of it is this.
Tim:A lot of times when people have New Year's resolutions or come to these significant shifts in in cycle, they get refocused or they try to refocus or they work on refocusing, and that can be a really good thing. And, you know, there are people out there listening to this right now that know we can do that at any given time on any given day throughout the year. It just so happens that because New Year's is a natural sort of shift that that's another good place to to do a restart, to kick off things. And the subject today or this week is who are you looking to be in 2025? The reason why I'm going this direction and why I wanna explore this is or at least have this conversation with you is we are so often focused and fixated on what we're doing and we tell ourselves that this is, this is validates me.
Tim:This is my value, stuff like this. And for some of us, that's very true for other people. It's, it's a smoke screen. It it's something that can get in our way. And so this year, to kick off this year, I wanted to put the focus on who is it that you wanna be?
Tim:What is the state or essence of experience in your world in the present that you want to be, that you want to cultivate, you wanna create, you want to build on, indulge, things like that. Now, will this lead to acts of doing? Yes. It will lead to acts of doing. We're always gonna be doing something.
Tim:There's always something to do. That's some people give me that argument of, well, there's always something to do. Well, of course it's called living, but it doesn't utilizing that as an excuse of a, a, a kind of a decompression statement, It kind of takes us away from really addressing the fact of wait, I get so focused and fixated on what I'm doing. Am I doing, am I doing this? And, and we lose our quality of life.
Tim:Not all of us, not, but, but for, for those of you who are willing to kind of sit and explore and be with the energy, be with the awareness, we start to realize that it does affect our quality of life when we get so caught up in the doing, and we're all guilty of it. You know, I'm here on this mic and I'm not saying this because, oh, I have this perch on a higher no, we're all on the same level. I don't care who you are. We're all on the same level. And the fact is, is we get tripped up because we get caught up in the doing this.
Tim:And I challenge you, whoever's listening to this, to ask yourself, what is the beingness that you wanna be this year? What is the beingness you wanna cultivate, you wanna create, you wanna put intention and focus into? And part of that beingness, it's really being with that information. It's really being in that that thought process and and the feeling that goes along with that thought process. And so I like, I'll give you my example.
Tim:For 2025, these are a few of the things that I truly want to be. I wanna be generous. I wanna be generous with my heart. I wanna be generous with circumstances and situations, awareness and forgiveness. And being generous, just little caveat, some people out there listening, just because I'm generous doesn't mean I'm enabling.
Tim:I'm gonna be generous with intention, with focus, with support. I'm not gonna be generous to the point that people can take advantage of me and gullible and stuff like that. That's where people like to go to. It's like, well, you'll be like this, so I'm not gonna be like that. I'm gonna be hardened.
Tim:And that's a choice. That's a choice. So back to my generosity, I wanna be able to give freely of my energy, of my experience, of my wisdom, of my challenges, of my vulnerability to truly what what comes to mind right now is scare the hell out of myself because it does scare me. There is a sense of vulnerability there that, you know, can I truly be this generous? Well, I can strive to be as generous as I can be while still holding respect, integrity, accountability, and value for who I am, what I'm creating this world, and where I'm going.
Tim:So with this generosity, I also wanna be the beingness I wanna be is peaceful. I wanna be a space for protection or safety. A place where someone can be vulnerable and still be safe and utilize the space to grow themselves. I wanna be peaceful and and honoring for any and all those who are willing to step in and lean in and risk growing themselves to a deeper level. Because what else is there to do?
Tim:Well, if we look at our to do list, we can keep getting so fixated and focused on do this, do this, gotta do this, gotta do this. And I'm telling you, I'm launching a book here next week, my very first full length book, and there's so many to dos. It is. It's driving me a little bit batty. So I'm having to remember to come back to, wait a minute.
Tim:Who am I? What is it I'm here to create? Who do I wanna be in this year? What muscle do I wanna get stronger at being for myself, being for for what I'm here to do, to create space, to hold space for others, and allow them the gift to hold space for themselves if they're not doing it already? There are some that are really good out there and really practice and do do excellent work for themselves, which is wonderful.
Tim:Sadly, if you look in the news, you look around, you look around your your social groups, there are so many people that are still caught up in angst and struggle and strife, and there are other options. There are other options. So if you're out there and you're you're kinda tired of the old pattern, give yourself a pat on the back that you recognize the old pattern because some people don't even see it. And just lean into this here. Who do you wanna be for yourself, for the space you're creating around you, and for those you wanna be engaged with or connected to in your life path as you go down this life path of your own?
Tim:And see what shows up and just kinda be with that. Be with what shows up and say, is this something that I value that I truly wanna cultivate? And then if it is, lean into it because it is worth leaning into. It didn't come to you out of coincidence. Came to you for a reason.
Tim:So I'm gonna wrap it up here. Just the big question. What is the beingness? Who do you wanna be in 2025, and how will that show up for you? We look forward to meeting you or having you here next week with our guest, Michelle Zink, and, until then, have a wonderful first full week of the year.
Tim:If you like what we're doing here or like the messaging, please share this with your friends or family. Give us a like or or a review on the platform that you're listening to, and, we wish you all the best. We'll we'll talk again soon. Cheers. Bye.
Tim:Thanks for joining me today. If you've resonated with any of the stories or insights shared today, don't forget to hit that subscribe button. Your support means the world, so feel free to share your thoughts using hashtag powerful and unpolished podcast. Until next time, stay powerful, stay unpolished.