Are You Ready to Discover Your Inner Power?
Ever wonder why success doesn't always equal fulfillment? I'm Tim Salmons and with thirty years experience as an actor and a career spanning work in the blue collar corporate Medical field as well as public service industries. I've seen and experienced the human condition at its best and worst. Here on powerful and unpolished, we will explore the everyday traps draining our energy and hindering fulfillment. This isn't just another success podcast.
Tim:It's about breaking free from patterns that hold you back and limit your potential. Join me on this transformative journey as we explore and identify limiting traps, detach from draining patterns, and rediscover the power within, creating a life that is truly powerful and unpolished.
Tim:Hello, everyone. Welcome to Powerful and Unpolished. I'm Tim Salmans. I'm your host. We are digging into my latest book, Inner Wisdom Outer Impact.
Tim:We're moving along. The last two podcasts were about section one, which was dimensions. Today, we're going to delve into section two, discovery. And discovery is really, really kind of getting into awareness. It goes along so I mentioned last week about the book.
Tim:It's an opportunity. It's a possibility. It's an opportunity for those who want to explore, go deeper, reframe, create new pathways of awareness instead of repeating old patterns. That's what we do at our business, Insights for Choice. We really help guide and cultivate awareness and growth around how to step further and stronger into elevating yourself, elevating the essence, elevating the truth, the inner truth, the authentic truth, the the the leader that's in you, the person that's of influence that's in you.
Tim:If you're one of those people that and it's not a have to. It's it's it's just an invitation, an opportunity. And so section two of the book is really to start to delve into, how can I say this, possibilities that we may be aware of but may not be fully considering? So we're just gonna jump right in. Everything that we are.
Tim:So this is when we go into into, section two, discovery, everything that we are, everything that we do is an energy exchange. I just want you to consider that. Everything in this universe is an energy exchange. Right now, I am engaged with his microphone that's going to go through a system. There's a lot of energy that's going through some of its actual physical energy, electrical energy, but it's all energy.
Tim:It's all an energy exchange. That's why sometimes you ever been with somebody where, after you leave them, you feel drained and you ever been with other people where after you leave them, you feel recharged? There's an energy exchange that take place there. But we have as human beings, we have a tendency to take things for granted and when we do take things for granted, we don't realize it. I mean, that's part of the reason why we're taking things for granted, right?
Tim:I mean, silly. But, if you just think about it, it's like the food we eat within our bodies, the the the constant chemical reactions and changes that are taking place, the gas that we put in our vehicles, the batteries we charge for our vehicles, Everything. Everything. Everything. And when you start to really kind of understand that it's not this kind of woo woo airy fairy, you know, oh, it's an energy, you know.
Tim:That's part of the spectrum too. That does exist. It's part of the spectrum. But when you understand that the energy that's taking place, you're in a relationship with it. Understanding that energy exists in our world, in our daily life, in our actions and our reactions, our reactions help to create a different energy.
Tim:Energy holds consciousness in it. When we don't acknowledge that, when we don't take responsibility for the energy that we are sharing, we are displaying, we relinquish power. We give away power in those situations, Even if we're acting like, you know, the biggest horse's butt in the world and we're, you know, taking a lot of energy, you're still relinquishing the fact of you may be you may be counterintuitive to what you're trying to create. So it's just having that awareness. Explore different approaches with the energy.
Tim:That's why when I talk about it's on the spectrum, it's on the three sixty degree consideration of shades of gray to consider, to explore. When you do explore these potential or possibilities or you have an essence or an awareness of this information, it impacts your relationships. When you engage with your intellect and measure it with your emotional intelligence, I want to say that one more time. When we engage with our intellect and we measure it against our emotional intelligence, recognizing energy influences understanding of power dynamics, learning how to act versus react into a divine wisdom, into being in a divine awareness, if you will. Wisdom is something that, I don't go into it as much in the book, but I do it a lot when I'm doing trainings or consulting or things like this And so wisdom to me is is a very divine, very high level, application, extremely high level of application of what we have to offer.
Tim:There are so many individuals and souls on this planet that are exceptional at academia and school and great, you know, and I'm like, that's freaking awesome. If that's your thing and you can do it well, by all means, go do it. It carries with it its own highly educated ignorance. And in in our world, you know, we we hang our hat or we hang our our laurels, if you will, on these credentials. So there's a high IQ or there's a high ability to process.
Tim:How's their emotional intelligence? Because that's part of the equation. How are they at exercising and staying present? How are they able to or or do they demonstrate that they're able to be present and be in consideration? Do they exercise empathy?
Tim:If they so, do they how do they do it and is it effective? Because for me, it goes back to the wisdom aspect is until you've, like, given up your attachment to the toxic ego, given up your attachment to the overt biases, the identity who you've known and grown yourself in to be, and the possibility you step into. When you then consider all that your intellect, all this other, your emotional intelligence, your life experience releasing or relinquishing as much of the ego as possible, then you can start to actually strive or to be move into the essence of wisdom. For me, wisdom is a very advanced, multilevel existence experience. So I just share that that that's kind of my awareness around the wisdom aspect and and the divine wisdom is when you take in all of these different informations and layers to inform you from a very considered position.
Tim:So that takes us right into the next chapter, which is energy awareness, and we've talked about it, but the energy awareness is that, you know, we exist in a constant flow of an energy exchange. There is nothing that you don't have to be again, I'm gonna go back to the term. You don't have to go back to the airy fairy or anything like this. You are in an automatic constant energy exchange. That's why it cracks me up when I see people or I hear people from their egoic standpoint of, oh, my car this or, you know, this and you're sitting there going, well, you just you're limited in your consideration of the perspectives and the information that's available to you.
Tim:Would you be open? That's just the thought that comes into my head. I get curious and I said, would you be open to maybe greater consideration? And for those who are open to it, it's fun to explore. For those who are attached, you know, we wish them well.
Tim:Maybe this isn't the time. Maybe there's a better time. And if we look out into the universe, the entire universe is an energy exchange. Talk about nature being reflected back to how the divine has, you know, the creator, the the universe, the universe, the whatever you you call it, it's it's all an energy exchange. I mean, that's how we stay in orbit.
Tim:It's how the moon stays in orbit with us. This connection is and always will be with us. Make sure that you honor it, make sure that you guard it, make sure you relate to it, make sure that you protect it. Protect the connection there, protect the awareness right. It is our life to create.
Tim:It's our life to fall in love with. It's our ability to look within ourselves and find the possibility and the passion. That's all energy and it's how we have an energetic relationship to it. Our potential is only limited by our ability to exercise our imagination. I'm gonna say that again.
Tim:Our ability or our potential is only limited by our ability to exercise our imagination. If we don't imagine robustly, if we don't imagine creatively, if we don't imagine powerfully, then who else is responsible? No one. This is our life. This is your life.
Tim:This is my life. This is our life. There is no one out here to dream for us. There is no one out here to dream for us. It is up to us to lean into it, to love it, and to live it.
Tim:That's why having known awareness about energy and how what we put out, what we get back, how we receive it, how we express it is all part of that key element. It takes us into the next chapter where we talk about kind of like power dynamics and energy exchange. Science has proven naturally that energy seeks an equilibrium. Like out in nature, you know, energy seeks an equilibrium. But if you understand energy, it's a give and take.
Tim:It's the energy exchange that actually gives off the energy. It's the recognition of the flow that we live in that can make our lives richer. Like energy though, we tend to gravitate towards the path of least resistance. Like energy will take the path of least resistance and so will, so will we. Our identities, our comfort zones, our patterns, our autopilots, we're going towards the path of least resistance and at times that's what we need and that's a valid choice, but when you're consciously choosing it, that's when you're in power.
Tim:I choose the path of least resistance, not my pattern takes me to the path of least resistance, two totally different realities. Letting ourselves be enlulled into habits, patterns, belief systems, behaviors, judgments, and excuses excuses robs us of our true power. We are energetic beings in an energetic force. Think about it. We are energetic beings in an energetic force.
Tim:Understanding how we interact can transform our reality. The awareness of energy around us in relationships generally involves four different components. Like, so there's a there's the physical awareness, there's personal, interpersonal, how we generally are involved. So we can physically be involved with it. We can it can be a personal interaction.
Tim:It can be an intrapersonal or an interpersonal. We can choose how to handle these exchanges. Creating something new is a richer experience than recreating something familiar. Now, oftentimes, almost very oftentimes, it takes more energy, but maybe that energy is just engagement. We're actually present.
Tim:We're actually making a choice. We're actually in action instead of reaction. This chapter does a deep dive into power grabs and I'm just gonna go over power grabs real quick. Power grabs happen all the time. They happen culturally.
Tim:They happen situationally. They happen personally. We do it to ourselves. We do it to each other. And plain and simple, power grabs happen all the time, and an example would be bullying.
Tim:Let's let's look at a bully. The bully is using physical dominance, fear, whatever. But if we were to take the two people, the bullied and the bully, so the person who's getting bullied, there's obviously some energy, there's some awareness, there's something that this this bully envies desires, wants. I mean, it's and if we look at this equation between the bully, the one doing the bullying, and the person being bullied, the person being bullied actually in this circumstance, holds more power because otherwise, why would the bully want this energy? Why would they want why would they act from such a weak existence?
Tim:I mean, look at any situation or circumstance out there in the world. You look at, you know, work situations, work relationships, we can go to societal issues and troubles. Mass shooters, so commonplace in this in this country. And look who is the one that now they may have been some of these mass shooters may have been bullied, but what they what did they do when they actually decided to go out and act upon this? They actually became what they hated.
Tim:They became the weakness that they then blamed and came from a victim state. So this is just a real scratch on, scratch the surface on, power grabs. It is a very wonderful, challenging, interesting concept to explore when you really do start to see the weakness of so many individuals out there who I mean, you may know somebody who who is compelled to dominate others. And you can see the energy exchange. They're they're a constant energy suck.
Tim:They're righteous in what they're doing. They're usually using victim energy to justify their behaviors. So they're coming from a very weak position, an a weak energy position, and they're trying to take energy from someone else, some situation. So power grabs are very interesting. And I hope that if you are reading the book and you do check out the book, if you do have some questions, please let me know.
Tim:They are fun to explore and the dynamics that they offer are pretty powerful. How to neutralize those who thrust energy upon us or thrust this this, their their their it's their just their energy, the the the bullying, the the victim state, whatever it is that they're thrusting upon us is just orchestrated weakness. It's just them trying to get some sort of validation. They're anchor they're they're absolutely anchored in in ego. And, you know, later on in the book, we talk about healthy ego versus, you know, not very healthy ego or toxic ego.
Tim:So and the awareness around to stay actively engaged in the process, in the pattern of of of energy exchanges, it helps keep us from being the perpetrator. So if we actually stay engaged and we understand power dynamics and we are powerfully choosing our path, then what happens is we are much more less likely, and it's contradiction of terms probably, we're less likely to be the perpetrator or to come from a victim energy that is lashing out. So again, I apologize that we're just scratching the surface of this stuff. It's it's fascinating if we ever wanna, like, dig into it and get into the conversation. It's it's fun.
Tim:It's interesting. It's powerful. And to wrap up, the next chapter is is it's it's around, action versus reaction. Action has power. Action has intention.
Tim:Action is purposeful. Reaction oftentimes is just that, it's reaction. It's responding. It's responding to an energy that was opposed upon us or a situation that was we were put into. And oftentimes, we don't own that we chose to be there.
Tim:We don't own the lesson that it may be offering us. Human beings are instinctually going to react. I just wanna make that clear. You will never get away. You're a human being.
Tim:You you're gonna have reactions. Now how those reactions show up and how you let them run their route or run their pattern is a whole another awareness and relationship. These reactions are natural to our internal mechanism of survival, so we're going to have these reactions. Where we make the distinction between action and reaction is in the awareness. It's about us having the awareness so that, you know, we have the action or we have the reaction rather than rather than the reaction having us.
Tim:Let me see. It's being able to see the world as it is with the least amount of filters that we put up to protect ourselves or the patterns and the judgments. The patterns and judgments are there to protect us And it's having that that awareness to have to lessen the amount of filters that those are so that you can be more in intention instead of reaction. Part of our strength comes from allowing ourselves to be vulnerable. Vulnerability, and there's plenty of studies out there, but if you've really done some deep work, you will understand that vulnerability is one of the most strongest energies in the world because allowing yourself to be vulnerable allows you, so allowing yourself to be vulnerable allows you to have a sense of faith or self trust in yourself that you can handle the situation, that you're not preemptively on guard, that you are so fearful that you have to prepare yourself and protect yourself just in case whereas vulnerability is, Hey, I know who I am.
Tim:I own my space. I know my energy. I have a healthy relationship with it. What do I have to do in this situation? Buying into reaction by choosing weakness and power grabs to validate our victimhood robs us of our power.
Tim:So I'm gonna say that one more time. I'm telling you about vulnerability being incredibly powerful, but then sometimes people, they'll they'll gear up, they'll get ready, they'll get prepared, they'll they'll be on guard or whatever. And so when we buy into reactions and then we choose weakness, we choose the power grabs, I mean, there's there is a huge distinct difference between someone who went through an experience and was victimized versus someone who has taken on the label of being a victim. The label of being a victim becomes or can become its own power grab. When we talk about labels, that'll be a little bit more, we'll go deeper into that.
Tim:But but having the experience of being a victim and being in the energy and the vulnerability of, yeah, it's happened to me and, you know, I'm still authentically or genuinely who I am is a lot stronger than I'm this victim. It happened to me. You need to treat me a certain way. People may need to treat you a certain way. That just may be the fact.
Tim:But energetically, it has the potential of being a power grab. So and it's really kinda hard. We're we're doing this podcast, and we're digging in, and it's like some of these I I would love to have a conversation. I'd love to have an interaction. That's where we really start to play with some deep, deep material because this is scratching the surface.
Tim:We are the foundation that supports, influences, and creates all aspects of our lives. I mean, we're the foundation. It is essential that, you know, we honor and uphold and and embrace that foundation. And this foundation is our mind, body, and soul connection. It's our essence.
Tim:It's our ability to empathize. It's our ability to to reflect internally as well as show up externally. It affects our family. It affects our friends. It affects everything, professional, our business, our successes, our failures.
Tim:It even affects the capacity of how we honor and love ourselves and or give or share love with others. True this is why we work with a number of developing leaders and and business owners and individuals who really have a position of influence is true leader comes from strength of character. That character has this understanding of what are reactions, how are we going to effectively move forward, are we exercising power grabs versus are we actually choosing intention and creation? Because a lot of the people, a lot of leaders may choose power grabs not realizing that in the long run, it may cost them. Immediately, they may have dominance, but in the long run, oftentimes they pay a much bigger price.
Tim:It is our willingness to be genuinely vulnerable that will determine the real strength of our character. The most powerful and influential leaders or leadership comes from inside us as individuals. It doesn't come from our titles. It doesn't come from your your bank account. It doesn't come from your, necessarily external accomplishments.
Tim:I mean, these are all they they can all be influencing factors, but it's how how healthy is your relationship with those factors as to whether or not you are a quality leader that's going to actually compel, create, and inspire many other leaders. Do we use labels? We all have labels. We've all been given labels at some point. I talked about this earlier and, labels are another form of a power grab.
Tim:And I used mine back in the day. I was learning disabled while in school. I, you know, I used that to eke my way through public school, but then when I went to college, I had, you know, I had to pay the price. I went through a whole year of remediation just so I could figure out how to survive college, And it sure the hell wasn't because I was stupid. It was I just processed the world differently.
Tim:And, you know, my old labels and my old stick, you know, they still they still honor the labels. I I still manipulate it all over the place using the label that was given to me in the first grade. But when you start to realize that it's like, oh, wait a minute. The only person I'm really hurting is myself. You know, these people are are supporting the lie or they're supporting the the the weaker me, if you will, at that time.
Tim:And, believe me, recognizing our labels and understanding the reaction to action that we have is a real influencer in our everyday lives. So for what it's worth, I I share these chapters with you about the book. I hope that you are truly understanding that we are just scratching the surface. There is a lot here to explore and play with, and ultimately, it's about honoring you, where you are, the the divine essence that you are. And if you are a person who wants to grow, elevate, and be in more personal power for yourself, a stronger leader for others, then please, pick up the book, check out our website, Insights for Choice.
Tim:And, if you find this information useful, pass it along to a friend and or give us a like or a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or whatever you're listening to us on. So alright. We wish you all the best. We will talk to you soon. Next episode is about, section three of the book.
Tim:We'll talk to you later. Take care. Bye.
Tim:Thanks for joining me today. If you've resonated with any of the stories or insights shared today, don't forget to hit that subscribe button. Your support means the world, so feel free to share your thoughts using hashtag powerful and unpolished podcast. Until next time, stay powerful, stay unpolished.