Inner Wisdom, Outer Impact: Dimensions Pt 2


Ever wonder why success doesn't always equal fulfillment? I'm Tim Salmons and with 30 years experience as an actor and a career spanning work in the blue collar corporate medical field, as well as public service industries. I've seen and experienced the human condition at its best and worst. Here on powerful and unpolished, we will explore the everyday traps draining our energy and hindering fulfillment. This isn't just another success podcast.


It's about breaking free from patterns that hold you back and limit your potential. Join me on this transformative journey as we explore and identify limiting traps, detach from draining patterns, and rediscover the power within, creating a life that is truly powerful and unpolished. Good day, everyone. Welcome back to Powerful and Unpolished. I'm Tim Salmons.


I'm your host. Last week we did an episode on the first few chapters of my new book, Inner Wisdom, Outer Impact Leading Your Life from the Inside Out. This week, we are taking on, we're staying in the first section, which is dimensions, and we're gonna go on to the next few chapters and just touch base on those. So for those of you who have bounced back, thank you very much for for following along. As I listened to last week's episode, I was like, wow.


I really appreciate you hanging in there and listening with all my umms and and, patterns of speech as I process this. You know, I just did it again. Anyway, it's very funny because it gives me this feeling of just being real, of just sitting here sharing these ideas and these thoughts. One thing that did stand out to me is, you know, this book and it's not only just this book. This book is a seed.


It's about planting the seeds so that we can get the messaging out so that it'll enhance and affect the people's lives who are open and willing and ready to engage with it. That's what we do at Insights for Choice. Insights for Choice is really about establishing an awareness, growth, personal growth, professional growth to help us rise, elevate to a stronger presence, to a stronger level, to a stronger purpose, and to be as objective about it as possible through the whole process. So that's that's one thing I did wanna share is is when we're talking about these concepts, because we're just barely touching on the surface as we go through each of these chapters real quick, is they're concepts. Some of them can be great concepts, but it's like we're it's like you're just scratching the surface.


And it's not because there's anything wrong with anybody out there who's listening. You're right where you need to be. Either you're listening to this or the people who aren't listening to this, they're right where they need to be. And are they presence are they present enough to say, okay, life isn't just happening to me. Life is, is occurring, but I'm not just a victim.


I'm not just a bystander. Like, I have intention. I have ability. I have opportunity. I have desire, hope.


Some people who may be listening may be like, I don't have desire. I don't have hope. I have I'm struggling with things. And it's just being real with where you are so that as you go forward, as we go forward, you're giving yourself the best opportunity for your own growth, for your own opport for you I don't wanna say that. For a greater awareness for yourself, that's really why this book, I believe, came to me and through me and why I stepped in to to to put it into form is of all the choices in the world where you put your intention, where you put your thoughts, where you put your energy, why would you keep putting energy to something that takes you away from you, that takes you further away from your essence, from what makes you authentic.


And this work, this this book, the information in this book, you know, it's around leadership. But leadership is really a sense of, are you are you showing up in a fashion where you are influencing and impacting others around you to be the leader that is in them, to be the leader that can actually rise and continue a strong ripple effect out into the world. And then they add their energy to yours, and it becomes a a greater ripple effect. It's really this, this awareness and opportunity. And I just wanted to, to drop that in here about, you know, it's not even just, just about the book at Insights For Choice.


That's what we stand for. We stand so that people can continue the elevation of their, their essence, deepening their their relationship with themselves, their strength with their expression in the world, and the gift that they are. And I get very passionate about it. Obviously, you can tell and, you know, we're having fun with this too. I hope you're having fun with this.


But it it's it's not coming from a place of you're broken, you're wrong, you're not doing it right. No. This is just information to be like, oh, wow. I can see these patterns. I can see this awareness.


Now that I have this awareness, what else can I do with it? How can I have a different relationship? How can I approach it in a more intentional way instead of a conditioned reaction way? So these next few chapters that we're gonna dig into real quick, because these are just, you know, short little solo podcasts here. But as we move into chapter 4, we're really talking about the layers of listening.


And I use the, you know, I use a lot of metaphors and, analogies and things like that to help articulate because people learn I learn in so many different ways. And I have discovered that the universe, nature, societal natural systems reflect back to us divine truth all the time if you're just looking for it. And so for for this chapter, it was really about perspectives. It was about layers of listening. Are you open to the layering?


I talked about it last week. The dimensions, the reason why I named the first section of this book dimensions was that there's so many layers. It's, it's, it's peeling the onion with you, if you will, but it's even more than that. There's more layers than that. And the more advanced you become, the layers may be very thin, but the impact that you experience or feel could be immense.


So there there there's a lot of experience and and in experiencing this process. And so that's why we play with the concepts but we also bring in the metaphors and the analogies. And for layers of listening, I I turn to the prism. The awareness that, you know, when white light goes into, the prism and then it disperses all the different, variances of of light, all the different frequencies. I use this example to highlight the fact that, you know, we see light it's white light, it's this white light, but it's like, there's so much more to it that's going on.


And by applying the prism itself, we open up oh, the layers, the, the understanding, the awareness. And when we in our mindset, allow ourselves the ability to look at situations through our own prism, to discover different frequencies that might be relatable, and to still even understand that even in the prism, even though it breaks it up into this sort of rainbow of energy light, you realize there's still energy and frequencies and light that you still can't see with the human eye. And so it's it's having that understanding that through the multiple colors and the multiple frequencies, each color has its own characteristics. Each each layer has its own, personality, if you will, or advantage. This is why it really kinda brings us back to, what is involved in in the layers of listening.


Are we listening for new, perspectives, new awarenesses? I'm looking at my notes here real quick and, one thing that happens in this layering and and when we when we break the the layers apart, we discover that our autopilot and our comfort zone is a big part of why we still only see the white light or the not white light. We kind of take in the world as it's black and white. I have evidence. I don't have evidence.


We don't really consider that there are truly other factors at play that are available for us to to add to our our discernment, to add to our ability to critical think. I said that last week, critical thinking, if you aren't entertaining or exploring the multitude of of options that are available, the perspectives that are available, then you're not really very effective at critical thinking. You're conditioned thinking. And this is really just understanding that our comfort zone wants us to be efficient. Our autopilot wants us to be efficient, and that's what helps us to get our day done faster, to get tasks done more complete, in a in a patterned way, if you will.


There are examples that I wanna share with you about layers of listening. They include transactional. I mean, you may be in a in an interaction with someone and it's just, you know, sort of like a text message even. I'll be there at 7. Okay.


I'm gonna be there at 9. Alright. I won't I won't leave till 7, and then I'll get there about 8, and we can meet that. Okay. It's transactional.


But there's also developmental. There's interpersonal. There's intimate. There's empathetic listening. There's listening from past experiences.


There's listening from open potential. There's listening from, there there's just a variety of listening. And then not only do you have that kind of layers of listening, then you apply on each layer. If you look, there's a 360 degree spectrum. And then that's another thing to consider if you're open to it.


And introducing you to these concepts isn't to to make it a heavy, process. It's just to kinda let you know that there's always more to play with. There's always more to to kinda discover. Because when you're on this 360 and you're you're on a layer or a level that you're you're you're exploring or entertaining and you start looking at the 360 degree, you can look at, alright, is it superficial? Is this information on this level, is it a deep, intelligence?


Is it a deep awareness? Is it a personal is it profound for me personally, Or is it even go beyond that where I'm, like, having to sit with it and and explore it? So exploring this stuff isn't to make it hard or difficult. It's really to just kinda realize that it's this maze that you can keep kind of exploring for your own benefit. For me, it's always about leveling up.


Am I am I elevating myself? Am I elevating my awareness, my heart, my soul, my wisdom, my intellect on so many levels? And is there objectivity? Is there balance with it? Because after we move out of layers of listening and that's, that's just touching the tip of the iceberg on that, We move into the next chapter which is around scripts.


Scripts and stories. We all have scripts. We all have stories. We we we live. I mean, we come from an oratory society.


I mean, there's reason why they did hieroglyphics and and and the the I don't even know if hieroglyphics is the right term. But all the cave writings on the on the walls of the caves and all that. And, you know, through many different societal organizations, whether it's, you know, native American lore or Shakespeare's plays or, the Christian stories that that that they took out on wagons to to go and educate the villages around the the the stories of Christianity. And telling these stories and handing them down from generations to pattern, you know, it was the pattern of and the essence of mankind. Mankind, that's that's what we do.


We we our stories are essential. You look at sports. People don't realize sports is a story. It's it's it's a developing experience of a story, but it is a story. That's why they have commentators.


That's why they have people who color in the commentary because they're telling you the story. They're keeping you engaged. They're helping people who are listening on certain levels to maybe experience what other people are naturally experiencing because they just have the capacity to listen on those levels. So, you know, it's I'm probably driving you a little bit crazy here. Sorry about that.


But the the passion that I have for for telling these these examples or having this awareness that it came to me, I was like going, okay. Great. This is great information. What do we do with it? And it's really just to honor the potential that is in each and every one of us for those who are ready and willing to elevate.


And as we look into more of the stories, think about the stories that fuel our lives, that fuel our dramas. They keep us or they keep our wounds open a lot of times. We will hang on to stories and have stories, and we will keep reliving them. And each time we relive them, we just keep that wound open a little bit more, a little bit more. That's why that wound, even though we can consciously tell, oh, I'm I've dealt with it.


I'm like this. And it's like, have you? Because there's still a charge to that story. And it's not bad in sharing the stories. It's just realizing, is that my intent?


Is that, you know, am I coming from a place of choice? Am I coming from a place of power? Am I coming from a place of purpose? And it's not hard to do. Once you get into the practice and you start doing the practice, it's, that's where I think it becomes fun because you realize it's, wow, let's explore this.


Let's take it a little deeper. Let's go different directions. But these stories that oftentimes can keep wounds open, there are stories that can also heal wounds. And so when we start to explore the dynamic between the pattern stories versus the processing stories that can help us and heal us, That's massive. There's tremendous opportunity.


And, again, here I go with all the ums, so hang in there. But, it's a drinking game, I said I said back in the day. So there's tremendous opportunity available to us when we see the reflections that take us into ourselves so that we can actually process, live, and create from something that means something to us, has intention for something to us. And by doing that, we reflect that back out into the world. That's why when we work with leaders, it's really about getting them into such a a state of awareness of empowered leadership that they embody what they wanna create.


They embody the essence that's important to them and it reflects out into the world around them as they consciously create new leaders themselves. The one thing about stories, and this is just real quick. If you go back to the history of of of telling stories is stories, at least from my understanding of it, stories were about telling stories so that people who were listening could understand, identify, learn, and not have to go out and repeat the same pattern and do it, you know, find out the hard way, if you will. You know, the universe of hard knocks or the the the life of hard knocks. And I would say since the industrial age and technology, which can be very immense, but for our human frail existence, we we've we talk about a number of different kinds of addictions.


Man, there is an addiction to people that that that people I don't even think consider. If you think about movies as plays or think about any any type of visual, storytelling, it was set up and put in place to help those who came behind them so that they wouldn't have to repeat the same thing. Somewhere along the way, I would say in the industrial or techno technological age, all of a sudden, the audience stopped looking for its own insight and looked for stimulation, looked for entertainment. And so we sort of hijacked what the process of witnessing and watching a movie, watching a story, watching a play, watching an experience unfold. Because there are a number of people who look to YouTube, social media, current movies, certain trends, human patterning to justify the drama, the trauma, the destructive patterns, the the limited belief systems that exist in their everyday life.


That's why I think this is so important to me is because I really wanna help the people who can listen so much deeper that they go into honoring themselves instead of validating their reactions. This takes us into the last chapter I'm gonna give us a quick little synopsis on, which is attachments. Attachments are huge, and we're just gonna scratch the surface on this one too. But, whenever we find ourselves attached to something, a situation, a belief system, there's something there's something there to look behind. There's something there to discover.


There's something there if the person has the strength and the strength, availability, and vulnerability to look into it, it can be a powerful tool. Most of us in our patterns don't wanna deal with it. We wanna escape from it, and we wanna justify why it's another way, even though it may not be. Attachments, and there's, there's a quote that I I heard years ago, and I use it frequently because it it just rings so true. We don't see the world as it is.


We see the world as we are. And think about that for a second. There there's a truth there to it. You may think you see the world as it is, but have you considered all the layers and bias and programming and conditioning that is a part of your everyday life? Do you consider that in your pattern of objectivity, or do you even strive for objectivity?


Some people may not even strive for it. I have proof. I can I can sit here and prove that it's this, and it's like, okay? There's many layers and many other perspectives to consider, but, you know, if you wanna hang your hat on that or that's fine. We all have that choice.


Again, this work is for the people who are willing and ready to do the work, to do the the insight seeking that helps them to move to a different level for themselves, for those they influence, for those they lead, for those they touch emotionally, mentally, intellectually. We spend most of our time validating our belief systems. That's why I'm going this direction with with the thing about attachments. Attachments often when when someone's attached, watch them, Look at how they're they they'll dig in their heels or they'll be stuck in a certain idea or concept, and we're all guilty of it. This I I'm not exempt from it.


I'm just highlighting the human condition here. But when somebody is so attached to be invalidated or a validation or a belief system or whatever it is, Look how often that energy, it creates, it produces a low energy, a low vibration result. The person may be getting really charged up because they're really anchored and righteous about it. But for the situation itself, it's usually a detraction. It's usually low negative energy that affects the process because it's outside of ourself.


If we wanna charge up our energy, we can start doing work to where we find the attachments, work to give up the patterning that's that's stuck in those attachments because our patterns get stuck in the attachments and that's why we we keep repeating in the autopilot and the the comfort zone continuous on the the hamster wheel. Our egos work really hard to be right. Our ego needs validation, and it works really hard to be right, and that's one reason why we get stuck in attachment. And oftentimes and if you look around in the world around you, oftentimes, if you think about attachments, attachments can be a sign of lack and scarcity mindset. It could be someone who finds themselves often in struggle and strife.


Because being in struggle and strife is not a happy, energetic place that I don't think anybody truly wants to be. But for some people, it's such a familiar pattern that having the familiarity is more important than having the relief from struggle and strife. So there's a lot to play with on this and and the book is is fun because it kind of plays with it and goes in different directions, but it's it's just stuff to consider, to think about, and remember the this podcast is just scratching on the surface of the seed that that this information is. And, the more you get to play with it, the more you find that you get to play with it, and you discover new ways to stay engaged for yourself, that's where the fun comes in. That's where, for me, it's like seeing people be able to to have that opportunity.


And this is this is why I think it's so much fun because I'm just gonna share this with you as I as I go into close for this segment, is I had I was working with someone yesterday, and we were working around the information from the book. We were working around the patterns. And this person today, sent me this message, and it said, you really had an important impact on me yesterday, and I imagine you don't even realize this. You reminded me who I used to be, and you showed me what I am made of. Thank you.


Yeah. I didn't realize it because all I was doing was creating the energy, the space, and honoring the person who I was working with. And they were creating the energy and the space. And this came up for them. And 24 hours later, they still felt compelled to share this information and to bless me with confirmation from the universe.


So that helps me. Helps me to know that for those people out there that are willing and wanting to play with this information, we can have some fun with it. I hope that you are one of those people that are listening. And if you are, please dig into this and then come with me and we'll let's talk about it and explore what we can play with because it's it's pretty wild stuff. I will leave you with this.


If you do find this information useful or entertaining, or even if you do use it as a drinking game, by all means, as long as you're having fun and being safe or not, whatever you wanna do. But, if you think this would help someone or or or it's useful, please give it a like, give it a a review, pass it on to a fan, a friend or a family member. But listen, next week, we're gonna jump into section 2 of the book, and, then we'll wrap up with section 3 following that. Until then, I wish you all the best. Thank you for hanging in there with me, and we will connect again soon.


Take care. Thanks for joining me today. If you've resonated with any of the stories or insights shared today, don't forget to hit that subscribe button. Your support means the world. So feel free to share your thoughts using hashtag powerful and unpolished podcast.


Until next time, stay powerful, stay unpolished.

Inner Wisdom, Outer Impact: Dimensions Pt 2
Broadcast by