Authentic Living: Break Free and Embrace Your True Power


Ever wonder why success doesn't always equal fulfillment? I'm Tim Salmons and with thirty years experience as an actor and a career spanning work in the blue collar corporate medical field as well as public service industries, I've seen and experienced the human condition at its best and worst. Here on powerful and unpolished, we will explore the everyday traps draining our energy and hindering fulfillment. This isn't just another success podcast. It's about breaking free from patterns that hold you back and limit your potential.


Join me on this transformative journey as we explore and identify limiting traps, detach from draining patterns and rediscover the power within, creating a life that is truly powerful and unpolished.


Welcome. Good day, everyone. This is Tim Salmans. Welcome to Powerful and Unpolished. We are taking on the last section of, my newly released book that was released just, man, by the time you're listening to this, it'll be released about a month ago.


And, we're going over the three sections. The first section that we went over was, dimensions. So that talked about different layering concepts, common practices that we step into, that we we live in on a daily basis and how it affects our world and, maybe raising some awareness to those dimensions to help us gain more traction with what we're intending to do for ourselves and for the world around us. Then we went into section two, which section two was discovery, which was a continuation of looking at the dimensions and layers, but also discovering a new way to apply ourselves, through the personal pyramid, model that I utilize in the book. And we talk about the relationships between pyramids as if the pyramid was symbolic of each individual and how they're built, how they're structured, how they can maximize their interaction with one another, as well as maximize their interaction with their intentions, their choice, their life, what they're trying to create.


And then now we're going to wrap up with section three. Section three is titled Deliverance. And section three is really about now that you have a little bit deeper, consciousness, maybe, maybe you knew it was present, but now you don't take it for granted as much because as human beings, we take so much for granted. It's just part of the human experience. It's what we do.


We we take things for granted because of our comfort zones, because of our autopilots, because of, we're feeling insecure or we're utilizing power grabs in order to satiate that that insecurity that shows up in our lives at times. And it happens to all of us. They don't all look the same, but it does happen to all of us. And so in the third section for deliverance, this section is about developing the behaviors for growth and our own evolution. So are we intentionally growing?


We are unintentionally growing whether we know it or not. And sometimes we're stagnant in that growth or the growth that we are doing isn't honoring of who we are. But there is that always constant energy of, of growth day in and day out. If we are breathing, there's an opportunity for that expansion, that awareness, that growth, and there's an opportunity for people to detract or, regress, if you will. So we explore in this section how to detach to foster the power of choice.


Detachment helps open up new perspectives for our creativity and our ability to to engage and and put intention to the choices that the conscious choices that we make and be aware of the unconscious choices, have them be more prevalent in our awareness as well. As we're going through this section, I'm I'm just gonna highlight some aspects real quick more about the section and then we'll tap into the chapters here real quick. The more we embrace our authentic selves, the closer we we become to aligning with our divine essence. And as I've said in some past recordings, if when I say divine essence and you go into this, you have a filter for for that terminology, then call it your authentic self. Call it call it something that that makes sense to you.


Don't let the reaction or the filter take you out of the potential of your own deepening, your own growth. So the more we embrace our authentic selves, the closer we become to aligning with our divine essence, with our divine, with our authentic self, our authentic power. This helps us to move more powerfully in engaging with others in the world around us. Not only engaging with other people, that's why this is really kind of good for leadership aspect because it helps us to, to understand individuals around us on a broader and well defined awareness, but it also helps us to show up stronger, to help nonverbally and and and in several different ways to create a stronger listening, a stronger impact. Some people do it more naturally than others, and but it it can all be embraced, learned.


It's part of a part of the potential of our evolution. In this exploration, basically, we are exploring the art of authentic creation versus the familiar patterns of conditioning. Which do you think holds more power in your everyday life? Your familiar patterns of conditioning or your authentic ability to create on top of your patterns of conditioning? Because it's not not like those patterns of conditioning won't be there.


They'll be there. They just don't run the autopilot on you. So in in in entertaining this awareness, remember that growth is a choice. It's a decision that involves taking new action. So growth is attached to taking new action.


That's what opens up that authentic creation aspect of it. The universe doesn't care what we know, just so that we're clear. The universe really doesn't care what we know. It cares what we show, what are our behaviors, how are we engaging with what's possible, and are we opening up and demonstrating the things that we've learned, or do we learn information, put it in our our our mindset, our our file our mental file cabinet, and then just use it as a reference, but don't take action on it. Action, behaviors, engagement adds power to you and to your experience on a daily basis.


In the first chapter that we deal with in deliverance, it's about detaching. It's about detaching and the power of choice. Don't take what others say personally. No. You hear that you've probably heard that a lot in your life.


I've heard that a lot in my life. I've heard other people say it. I've heard people say it to me. Oh, don't take other people what they say. Don't take what they do or what they say personally.


Well, it's kind of hard. We are creatures that have a habit or a pattern of being in reaction. But as we've sort of talked about in this book to get to this point so far, it's we understand that we all have layers of listening. We all bring so much to the process, to the engagement, to the evolution. And in this process, if I understand that I have my own lessons, well, then that that advice of don't don't take others what they say personally or do personally, part of that is because it may be their lesson that how they're saying it, what they're saying is just not jiving with you.


But when you realize that it's their lesson and not yours, it helps you to create a different, exchange interaction. It helps you to come from more of a strength of action instead of a weakness. Weakness. A weakness of a weakness. I love that.


That was fun. A weakness of reaction. And let's say somebody does do something and and it does affect us and we do have a reaction and then we go into action. Part of going into that action is saying, wow, maybe this, maybe part of this or maybe all of it or maybe some of it is a lesson for me. It's part of a lesson for me.


I'm gonna look into the learning opportunity for what it is. If we can allow our our our conscious mind, our curiosity to be in the art of of that awareness so that we step away from justifying, we step away from the reaction, and we step into what's possible, take what works for us, and let the rest go. It changes the whole dynamic between us, our relationship with ourselves, and those that around us that affect us from time to time. Or some people that you may work with, it affects us often. So stepping into the power of choice and detaching means not being afraid of making a mistake.


It's it's realizing that it's all a growth process. It's all a learning process. And part of your strength is realizing, okay, I stepped into this direction. It didn't turn out how I hoped. I definitely got feedback.


I definitely am growing from the experience, but I know that I can instill influence what's going on. So I'm gonna make sure that I honor myself and honor whoever I had this exchange with, and I'm going to engage with them to how I'm gonna say it this way, because I've said this to a number of clients over the years. Don't ever be afraid of making a mess. Don't ever be afraid of maybe saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing. If you're coming at it to be vindicated or vicious, then, yeah, you got you got a big lesson there for you.


But if you are doing something and you have good intentions and it just doesn't turn out right, don't feel bad because you made a mistake or it didn't turn out as you'd hope. Lean into the strength that you can actually step in, engage this person, share common ground, and clean up the situation for the better of the good that's available there. Because just walking away pissed off and righteous is a reaction. It's a weaker reaction, and it leaves all parties in a weaker state of being. It's just kind of nature.


If you if you look at it from that perspective, it is just kind of nature in that aspect. So and the reason why I share this and go down this path is remember, the only thing that we have in this world is our word. You can give your word to people. The value is how your actions and your energy and your intentions stand behind the word that you give. Yes.


I will be there at this time on this day. Oh, I need to renegotiate. Well, renegotiating is a way of still keeping value in your word, Not just saying, well, something came up and you should deal with it. Well, that's not really honoring the fact of your word. And if you want people to respect you just because you're special, that doesn't quite happen.


They will honor your word. And if you don't honor your word, they will honor the fact that you can't honor your word. So I'll say that one more time. If you don't honor your word, then they will they will honor you that you can't honor your word. So that's a little mind twist there, but it's it it is a real powerful dynamic because, you know, let's say we give someone our word and something didn't quite go right.


Well, then we step up. We own it. We connect with the person. Hey. We might even create a better situation because the opportunity is is we leaned into, you know what?


I wanna maintain the value of my word. What can I do to to reinstall or or or, uphold that? So for what that's worth, I just wanna share that. And and just to to put a a bow on this this last part with about our word is, remember, it's not someone else's job to maintain the value in what we promise. It's it's our job.


It's our job to instill and maintain, the value that we communicate. And sometimes we miscommunicate. Sometimes it's verbally. Sometimes it's conceptually. Sometimes it's energetically.


And so it's having that awareness. So this is how we create the power of choice is when we know the value of our word, we instill that value, and we work hard to maintain it and know that it's not perfect. There isn't a person out here listening right now that is perfect. And where you are perfect is in your imperfection. When we are imperfect and we can hold and embrace that, it allows us to step into a strength of of acknowledgement.


And I know I'm going down sort of the some of these, these wells here or these rabbit holes, if you will. It's really to just kind of share with you that the value that you are, the whole reason why I, this book kept coming to me and, and why I finally stepped into to write it and put it out into the world is that I talk about value. I talk about divinity. I talk about a unique authentic self Because from where I come from the potential that you are, the potential that you've always been deserves the opportunity to be capitalized, to be to be expressed, to be experienced, to grow, to be loved, to give the opportunity so that you can have a greater impact than maybe you ever thought you could. Or maybe you thought you could have a great impact, but what if you could have a deeper or a more broader or fuller experience?


So one question that comes up is how do we manage the constant state of energy that we swim in? Well, how we manage that and how it helps us to keep our word, but how we manage this energy that we're swimming in, the the reaction action, all the patterns, all all all the the ability to process is we acknowledge that it's always it's always present. It's always fluid. Any situation that you're in is not black and white. Your ego and your patterns may want you to be like, well, they they did this in the past and this is and I'm I'm just as guilty of it as everybody else that's listening to this right now.


I have to remember to, you know, really check my ego and say, wait a minute. We are we are swimming in this constant state of energy and exchange of different ideas and information. How can I show up so that I can make a difference? Because it's I'm I'm just not one of those people that just wants to justify or validate my weakness so that I can feel power in a false sense. That's just not who I am, and that's not the kind of people or clients that I work with.


I work with people who have power, know the powers in there, know that there is more, and they want more. They want they wanna experience more. They want to open up to the opportunity of who they are. And there is there is grace and compassion in the power that we give ourselves. When we give ourselves grace, when we give ourselves compassion, that's a powerful act.


When our paths cross with others, it's important to practice holding them in grace, holding them in compassion, holding them as, you know, they're moving through their own opportunities and life lessons as well. And maybe their life lessons are ones that you've had, you had years ago. And it's just recognizing that they just need a little space and, maybe a little bit of an acknowledgment to help them move further down their path in that moment. This awareness is about acknowledging it. It's about being in the practice of it.


All that we do in this lifetime is a practice. This work that I'm talking about, it's we are going to wake up, we are going to do energy exchanges, we are gonna have our our ego is going to want to be right about things, insecure about things, justified about things, keeping us safe about things. And so it's really about all this energy, all this this processing in our world already takes place. If it was a computer operating system, I'd say it's the operating system that's working behind your intention. So, you know, it it it's to give you that metaphor of if you're working on a Word document or you're working on, you know, a spreadsheet or whatever you're working on, back behind the scene, you still have a whole operating system that's functioning and optimizing and doing things.


And that's kind of who we are as human beings. We always have energy and processes and exchanges taking place outside of our consciousness. But it's also one reason why we take so much for granted that we could actually capitalize on. So when I talk about this, it's it's sort of takes us into the next chapter, which is about, developing a creative process that we are we are in a practice. We're developing a creative practice that, helps us to keep continue to say what what's possible.


Let's stay curious. What else is available? Let's stay curious in how am I processing because this is a familiar pattern and am I doing anything new or am I just doing what's familiar because I'm getting this experience? Optimally, creation, if you think about it, creation kind of comes from, an empty slate, if you will. It's like having an, empty chalkboard or an empty whiteboard, and you're gonna start putting your ideas on it.


It's that concept. It's it's it's not like it's absolutely there's nothing that you're coming from, but you're striving to come from nothing. And when you give yourself the freedom to consider with a blank slate, what opens up is the possibilities. What also opens up is we oftentimes start to recognize the patterns that we run into. And when we're running into patterns that are old thinking and we know that that's not gonna take us where we need to go, just the acknowledgement of the old pattern in thinking frees us up.


Because it's like, okay, wait a minute. I want something different from this. So what else is available different like this? And then we can work on that with ourselves. If we engage other people in, we can pull them in and have their curiosity along with our curiosity, which opens up a very strong, possibility for what we're putting our intention to, what we're putting our choice to.


This is all about giving us freedom. Freedom in the in the possibilities. What often happens with people is, when when they're working on something, they're thinking of, oh, there's a problem with this. I wanna fix it, which, you know, that might be the focus or case. But if you're trying to create something new or you're trying to come from a new experience, if it's about fixing something, it's kind of putting a road a roadblock in your way a little bit that you'll have to drive around or overcome in some fashion.


So when we spend more time trying to correct things, it gets in the way of us discovering what is truly possible in the process. So if you do just need to fix something, then it's just, alright, here's here's the issue. We're gonna fix this. You know, that could just be a transactional type experience. But if you're trying to really create something new, give yourself that freedom to process into possibility.


Operating from a familiar approach makes it hard for our vulnerability to influence the creative process. So our vulnerability, as I've said before, is a very when it's an authentic vulnerability, it is a it's a strength. It is an innate strength in nature because if I'm strong enough to admit in front of someone and be around someone, wait a minute, I'm having problems, I'm having issues with this, and it's not a power grab. I'm not using it to try to, like, suck someone in and capitalize on them, but I'm really coming at, like, an authentic vulnerability. Then I invite in, energy, a greater awareness around that kind of aspect.


So be aware of the patterns of assumptions, that don't serve us. They don't, you know, there there's patterns of assumptions that we make. It's part of our, how we process our everyday world. It's part of the human conditioning. But be aware because those are part of the roadblocks that do get in the way.


There may be value in past learnings. There may be value in in in past, experiences that you've had. But remember, the creative process is about newness. It's about discovery. It's about being the end discovery in the process or in the practice.


So when you're in the practice in the process, you know, maybe be aware of the old old pattern or the past or whatever is influencing, but then open up to what else is possible. And what makes me think about this one is it's sort of like when Steve Jobs put it out to to Apple to create the iPhone, to create the iPod. You know, this was a concept that was totally new and foreign to people. And he was such a visionary that he put it out there and all of a sudden they were, he was pulling in creativity from all over the place, but he was creating from a sense of what if we could actually put this kind of technology in the hands of people? That it was this readily accessible, that it was this easy to access.


And it was such a small little device, and it transformed the industry. It was huge. So that's sort of to give you that awareness is, yeah, there was a Walkman before, but this was a whole another whole another level of of creativity that they he he had commissioned or charged his, his people to play outside the box. What else? Okay.


So one of the focuses as we wrap this up in the, the deliverance and in this deliverance section is discover your unique divinity. Again, I'm using terminology unique divinity, your authentic self, your whatever you wanna call it. But make sure that you are in relationship, exploring it, developing that relationship, your unique divinity, your authentic self, your essence of purpose, whatever you wanna call it, is a multidimensional layered experience. It's the mind. It's the emotional intelligence as well as the intellect coming together resulting in wisdom.


There's even more more of that that comes together. I mean, just technology, influence, energy. There's so much that comes together, but it it's really resulting in your own personal influence and how you engage and process that that wisdom. It's what makes us spiritual beings. And when I say spiritual beings, sentient being, any any creature that experiences pain, that experiences fear, that experiences, the need to take a breath, the need to go eat, the need to go drink water.


That's a spiritual being. There is something greater than your the meat sack that we are as human beings. There is something greater that electrically or charges whether you call it soul, whether you call it essence, whether you call it spiritual being, whatever. For those who understand what I'm talking about, it's really just honoring that that that this is what makes that up. There are just some layers that make up this divinity.


There there's there's the divinity that you are, the spiritual being that you are, is that uniqueness? Is that one of a kindness? Is that I'll take the next breath? I'll get up the next day? Because there is still possibility.


And even if I don't do anything new, let's say I run my patterns for a a full day, a full week, a full year, a full decade, whatever. The opportunity is always still there to make a different choice or a different decision. Of course, it's funny. I'm just realized I'm probably talking like Captain Kirk. The opportunity is always still there.


So, you know, have fun with yourself. Laugh at yourself. I should laugh at myself more often because, you know, I have some clownish moments. And, that's part of my unique divinity, I guess. So remember that everything that we do, everything that we are is that divinity.


It is that unique, ever present expression. The real question is, can you access it beyond your human experience that condition that the human experience that's conditioned into us? Can you be in relationship with that you're more than what you've been told? You're more than what you were were honed and geared for. Maybe you were you you you're a top athlete in the world and you've been honed and conditioned and trained and programmed and everything to be the best, but there's even more.


And that's just that's just the point of make sure that you remember you're even more than what you go out and do, accomplish, or create in this world. You are exponentially more, and that's worth the exploration. At least, that's why I do this work. It's why I have a passion and a compassion for others. And when I see and experience people engage with their soul, engage with their essence and start to bring authentic purpose or or or interaction with it, to me, that's magic.


When we are in a related experience of creating in the moment, so when we're creating in the moment, we're establishing a space for our voice, for our creativity, for our essence. It's already there. It's always been there. It's all it always will be there. Now just because it's always been there and it always will be there, it's up to us to be in a relationship and make choices and to bring it into patterns and conditioning on, not patterns and conditioning, but patterns and consideration.


Then all of a sudden we start to bring choice and action into the experience. Then all of a sudden we start to create and things show up differently than we expect. That's why a lot of people will understand what I'm saying, but it will still remain in the consciousness. When you start to put energy and action behind it, your your your awareness, your experience of your life and your world has the potential to grow exponentially. It has the potential to transform purposefully.


When we honor another before we honor ourselves, but while we're still honoring ourselves, like so if we can have objectivity and honor someone across from us and still hold honor for ourselves, not on a comparison or a, yeah, we'll just leave it at that, as a comparison level. We can experience a remarkable connection because we create an energy in them, we create a space between us and them, and we create that invitation for something deeper from ourselves and something deeper from them. Exploring these concepts requires learning a new language or a new language of relatedness. The stuff that I'm talking to you about isn't just so you have a concept about it. It's to realize part of my new language is to put action, to put practice, to bring behaviors out of what I think or say that I know.


This is challenging, and at the same time, it can be very enlightening. The work I'm talking to you about, the experiences that these are, can be very challenging. And so if you're looking for an easy road, it doesn't have to be hard but it also you're not gonna be able to run your patterns and expect, you know, it's it's the cliche thing. It's become this so much, but, you know, doing the same thing, expecting different results. You hear that all the time because there's just so much wisdom in that echo.


That echo, that quote, it's, you know, it is a lot of wisdom. But even we've gotten so patterned by that comment, You're worth the energy you're putting out. You're already putting the energy out there. Honor yourself by having intention behind the energy you're putting out there. Even if you're putting it out there in a pattern, an unconscious pattern, you're still putting the energy out there.


May not be as much energy, but it's it's not that different from what you're already doing. So and I share this. I don't you know, I'm not here to scare anybody off or ward anybody off or anything like this, but, you know, there are a large number of people that will have their filters and they will make decisions and this work will be too hard for them to consider, to sit with, to be with, to put into practice and that's fine. But the opportunity, the work, the availability is always still there. And whether you put consciousness or focus into this, time will still pass.


The energy will still pass. So of all the choices you have, this is just another choice that could potentially empower and transform your own personal experience. Why not create the world that you want to relate to? And I'm not talking about go out and change the country or change the culture or change the world. I'm talking about change your world.


That's how you will affect the world around you. And when you stand in that gift of who you are and the power of who you are and the potential impossibility of who you are, well then the dynamic of who you are and who you become is the gift that you give yourself. And with that said, I'll just say this. Love the life you live. Also, we're going to turn it around.


Not only love the life you live, live the life you love. Because if you can't honor the gifts that you are where you are, the pattern will affect you that it's gonna be a harder road to go down. It's gonna be a harder road to maneuver. To accept yourself and love yourself where you are is one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself, and then you can put intention into your word, into your choice, into your actions, into your practice. Remember, we are always either part of the solution or we're part of the problem.


In our own learning experience, in our immediate world around us, and in the world in general. The universe doesn't care what we know. It doesn't care, you know, how much intelligence and, oh, you know, all that resume builder. I mean, we're I know a lot of egos out there in the world. Bless them.


I know a lot of egos out there in the world that will give you their resume and their credentials and how you're supposed to respect that. No. I will respect how you show up in this world. Your actions, your follow through, your intentions, that's where you will gain my respect in the ever present unfolding. So while we're present, we will gain that respect.


While we're present in an hour, we'll gain that respect. But just because you have a lot of titles or you're good at school or you're good at taking tests or you're good at following the rules, God bless you. I think that's awesome. But not everybody's like that. And there's so many different dimensions, dynamics in which to process, enhance, and bless this world.


So remember, the universe doesn't care what we know, it cares what we show. What are the behaviors that we are living into? When we love the life we live and live the life we love, we are present. We are fully embracing what we have to create in this life. We're excited by the abundant possibility, that there is possibility and what can we do, how can we play with it.


Our uniqueness and authentic divinity is our own. It's up to us. It's up to us to honor, to embrace it, to love it, to cherish it. It is also up to you, up to me to learn to love it even more, even deeper. Once we begin to consider how we are seeing the world all of a sudden, you know, when we begin to consider that on multiple levels, on many levels, almost an unlimited number of possibilities unfold for us.


And to me, that's the magic. That's the gift. It's the gift and magic of wisdom. It is ultimately to deepen our relationship with ourselves, with those around us, and with everybody that we, we love or respect or honour as the sentient beings that they are. And so I'm going to wrap up with this.


It's at the very tail end of the book, and it's it's just how I wanted to bless people. As they move on from this book, I would say this this is a, this isn't just a book. It's a what do you wanna say? Manual, if you will. Go back and play in areas.


Go back and explore some thoughts. Go back and and, you know, pull out some ideas and and see how they do they speak to you? Do they mean something to you? Can they help you to go deeper for yourself? So at the end of the book, I here's one of the last quotes and it's it's it's around chapter 17 and it's I titled chapter 17 is freedom.


And it's a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson. What lies before us and what lie or what lies behind us? Sorry. I'm gonna start over. So what lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.


So that's his quote. And when we get in relationship, when we get into practice with that divine power, that authentic self, that that, powerful essence of possibility that's within us, when we get into relationship with that, then that begins to truly affect our world, which is the world around us. It's the ripple effect that we create. It's how we create a space to not only grow ourselves as leaders, but to grow the leaders that are in the group around us to be leaders themselves. Because we don't need to be in competition with with the toxic ego.


We can be healthy. We can be objective. We can be considerate. We can be powerful and hold that space. And it doesn't have to come from programming or an egoic type experience.


It can come from an authentic loving type experience. And I send send the reader off with this and it says what lies before you in the next chapter of your life? It's ready to be written. What do you want to create for yourself and the world around you? What is essential that is speaking to and through you?


Live it. Love it. Honor it. Let it pull you forward. It is yours to create.


You may begin. I wanna thank each and every one of you for holding the space, entertaining as as I go through all this information. I hope this helps you to at least get an idea of the book as far as talking through it. But there's a lot more in our three day immersive experience that goes along with the book. It's really about coming out and and playing in the space about creating from the experience and really pulling these ideas out so they could be more readily used for practice.


So, yeah, if you're interested, go to our website, Insights for Choice. We are collecting a wait list right now for the workshops that we're gonna be doing probably late, mid to late spring. And, we will let you know if you're interested, but it should be a powerful experience. And if this is something that you found useful, please share it with friends or family. Otherwise, we wish you all the best moving forward.


Love and light to you. Thank you again for your attention. Thank you again for your support and encouragement. Until next time, we wish you all the best. Cheers.


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Authentic Living: Break Free and Embrace Your True Power
Broadcast by