Riding the Wave of True Ownership

Are you ready to redefine success and tap into your true potential? In episode 18 of "Powerful and Unpolished," I, your host Tim Salmans, dive deep into the real essence of ownership. Forget the glitz of award shows and the bravado of sports victories; I'm talking about a state of being that's as natural and powerful as a surfer riding a wave. From debunking the misconceptions of ownership to celebrating its purest forms in the likes of Ronaldo, Gretzky, and Brené Brown, this episode is an invitation to embrace the authentic you. Join me as we explore how to be fully present, engaged, and true to ourselves in a world that often tries to dictate otherwise. Don't miss this journey towards personal integrity, creativity, and self-mastery—because when you own your moments, you own your life. If you're ready to catch this wave, hit play, and let's ride it together. And hey, if you find a spark of truth in our chat, I'd be honored if you'd share your thoughts in a review.

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Riding the Wave of True Ownership
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