Designing Fulfillment: Horses & Heartfelt Change

Hey there, fellow seekers of the unpolished truth! It's Tim Salmans here, and you're tuning into episode 2 of "Powerful And Unpolished." Ever felt like you're just going through the motions, living a life set by someone else's rules? What if I told you that you could escape that and design a life bursting with personal fulfillment? Intrigued?

Join me as I sit down with the reformed hustle bunny and founder of Wild Awake Woman, Laura Rubin. We'll unravel the mysteries of equine therapy and how horses can help us understand our deepest emotions. Ever considered that your success checklist might not equal true happiness? Laura shares her midlife awakening and how losing her job was the wake-up call she didn't know she needed.

We're also diving into the pressures society places on us, especially women, and how to reclaim your energy and potential. Plus, Laura reveals how to balance pushing your boundaries with the sacred art of retreating when necessary.

Don't miss Laura's "Shower Sparks" audio series and her upcoming equine connection workshop. Ready to live life by design, not default? Tune in, leave a review, and share the love with your tribe. Let's grow this community together!

Laura Rubin's Bio:
Meet Laura Marie, reformed hustle bunny, Queen of Joy, lover of life, play-ologist, horse whisperer, and spiritual guide-ess. After years of riding the hustle train, she made the courageous decision to take back control of her life. Her journey has led her from a life of default to a life of design. Now she's on a mission to educate, empower, and inspire ambitious women to step into their courage, defy their status quo, think outside the box, and buck the system in pursuit of their highest good and hearts’ desires both personally and professionally. As a Wild Awake Woman, Laura Marie encourages her clients to let go of the hustle and step into a life of purpose and fulfillment, reigniting their inner flame.

Special Offer from Laura:
Unlocking the 5 Secrets of the Wild Awake Woman

Want to hear more? Visit our website for Powerful and Unpolished to listen to more episodes!

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Designing Fulfillment: Horses & Heartfelt Change
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