Ignite Your Inner Light with Betsy Clark

Are you ready to ignite your inner light and live your most unstoppable life? In episode 11 of "Powerful And Unpolished," I, Tim Salmans, have the absolute joy of chatting with the radiant Betsy Clark, whose 45 years of coaching wisdom will leave you inspired and empowered. Ever wonder how to shine in a room or overcome the comparison trap? Betsy spills her secrets and dives into the power of active hope, grace, and personal growth. She even shares her courageous battle with cancer, reminding us all to prioritize ourselves. Don't miss Betsy's transformative insights and our lively discussion on life, leadership, and the pursuit of authentic greatness. Tune in, find your coach, and start living fully—Betsy and I can't wait to light up your journey. Discover more at coach2strength.com and remember, like, review, and subscribe on Apple and Spotify to keep the empowerment coming!

Betsy Clark's Bio:
Betsy has been a successful entrepreneur for 45 years. Previously working in interior design, Betsy created beauty with paint. Now she uses words.

Her mission is to help women who know there is more, yet they struggle identifying or accessing their brilliance. She gets it, she has been there. By reframing this impasse, she supports women to understand and apply their uniqueness. In order for them to thrive and make the impact they long to make with more focus and ease. Allowing these women to live more fully, flourish and be unstoppable. 

Betsy has lived in Colorado Springs for the past 32 years with her husband and dogs. She and Archie are truly Happy Campers, they travel frequently in their truck camper to play with their kids and grandkids to soak up the beauty of Colorado and the wild west. 

Want to hear more? Visit our website for Powerful and Unpolished to listen to more episodes!

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Ignite Your Inner Light with Betsy Clark
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