Authentic Self: Beyond Expectations

Hey there, fellow seekers of the unvarnished truth! It's Tim Salmans here, and you're tuning in to episode 5 of "Powerful And Unpolished." Ever find yourself pondering, "Who am I, really?" or "What's driving my choices?" Get ready to dive deep as I tackle the big questions about identity, values, and living authentically. This solo episode is a heartfelt journey into self-discovery, where I share my own kinesthetic quirks and how they shape my world. We'll explore wisdom from the likes of Carl Jung to Mother Teresa, challenging you to align your actions with your true self, not just societal expectations. So, are you ready to break free from those limiting patterns and live a life that's genuinely yours? Join me, and let's get introspective. Don't forget to hit that review button on Apple or Spotify to support our growing tribe. Stay powerful, stay unpolished, and let's get started!

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Authentic Self: Beyond Expectations
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